Pratyangira Homa for protection - 16, December

Pray for Pratyangira Devi's protection from black magic, enemies, evil eye, and negative energies by participating in this Homa.

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Vishnu Suktam



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Very happy to see Vedadhara in its mission for Hinduism's future -Keshab Deb

superb mantra! 💯 -Prashansa Sonkar

Remarkable! ✨🌟👏 -User_se91ur

🙏🙏🌹🙏🙏 The Lotus flower blooms at Sunrise every morning to spread its fragrance and beauty all around.So is VedaDhara to its followers spreading Spiritual Knowledge through its messages and Divine vibrations all over through its chants.Dhanyosmi. -Hema Raghavan

Excellent Vedhadhara -User_sj5xoa

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Knowledge Bank

Sons of Aruna

Aruna is the brother of Garuda. He married Shyeni. Shyeni means female falcon. They had two sons - Sampati and Jatayu. Their story is part of Ramayana.

What is the difference between Veda and Upanishad?

Upanishads are part of the Vedic corpus. The Vedic corpus can be divided into two parts: Mantra bhaga and Brahmana bhaga. The Mantra bhaga is also called Samhita. It contains praises of Devas, unraveling of the mysteries of the universe, and history. They are in the form of Mantras. The Brahmana bhaga contains 1. Vidhi - procedure for conducting yajnas. 2. Aranyaka - about upasanas and 3. Upanishad - the essence of Vedic knowledge.


When Sage Vishwamitra wanted to take Sri Rama with him for the protection of his yaga, what was Dasharatha's reaction ?

विष्णो॒र्नु कं᳚ वी॒र्या᳚णि॒ प्र वो᳚चं॒ यः पार्थि॑वानि विम॒मे रजां᳚सि । यो अस्क॑भाय॒दुत्त॑रं स॒धस्थं᳚ विचक्रमा॒णस्त्रे॒धोरु॑गा॒यः ॥ तद॑स्य प्रि॒यम॒भि पाथो॑ अश्यां॒ नरो॒ यत्र॑ देव॒यवो॒ मद॑न्ति । उ॒रु॒क्र॒मस्य॒ स ....

विष्णो॒र्नु कं᳚ वी॒र्या᳚णि॒ प्र वो᳚चं॒ यः पार्थि॑वानि विम॒मे रजां᳚सि ।
यो अस्क॑भाय॒दुत्त॑रं स॒धस्थं᳚ विचक्रमा॒णस्त्रे॒धोरु॑गा॒यः ॥
तद॑स्य प्रि॒यम॒भि पाथो॑ अश्यां॒ नरो॒ यत्र॑ देव॒यवो॒ मद॑न्ति ।
उ॒रु॒क्र॒मस्य॒ स हि बन्धु॑रि॒त्था विष्णोः᳚ प॒दे प॑र॒मे मध्व॒ उत्सः॑ ॥
प्र तद्विष्णुः॑ स्तवते वी॒र्ये᳚ण मृ॒गो न भी॒मः कु॑च॒रो गि॑रि॒ष्ठाः ।
यस्यो॒रुषु॑ त्रि॒षु वि॒क्रम॑णेष्वधिक्षि॒यन्ति॒ भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा᳚ ॥
प॒रो मात्र॑या त॒न्वा᳚ वृधान॒ न ते᳚ महि॒त्वमन्व॑श्नुवन्ति ।
उ॒भे ते᳚ विद्म॒ रज॑सी पृथि॒व्या विष्णो᳚ देव॒ त्वं प॑र॒मस्य॑ वित्से ॥
वि च॑क्रमे पृथि॒वीमे॒ष ए॒तां क्षेत्रा᳚य॒ विष्णु॒र्मनु॑षे दश॒स्यन् ।
ध्रु॒वासो᳚ अस्य की॒रयो॒ जना᳚स उरुक्षि॒तिं सु॒जनि॑मा चकार ॥
त्रिर्दे॒वः पृ॑थि॒वीमे॒ष ए॒तां वि च॑क्रमे श॒तर्च॑सं महि॒त्वा ।
प्र विष्णु॑रस्तु त॒वस॒स्तवी᳚यान्त्वे॒षं ह्य॑स्य॒ स्थवि॑रस्य॒ नाम॑ ॥

vishnornu kam veeryaani pra vocham yah' paarthivaani vimame rajaamsi .
yo askabhaayaduttaram sadhastham vichakramaanastredhorugaayah' ..
tadasya priyamabhi paatho ashyaam naro yatra devayavo madanti .
urukramasya sa hi bandhuritthaa vishnoh' pade parame madhva utsah' ..
pra tadvishnuh' stavate veeryena mri'go na bheemah' kucharo girisht'haah' .
yasyorushu trishu vikramaneshvadhikshiyanti bhuvanaani vishvaa ..
paro maatrayaa tanvaa vri'dhaana na te mahitvamanvashnuvanti .
ubhe te vidma rajasee pri'thivyaa vishno deva tvam paramasya vitse ..
vi chakrame pri'thiveemesha etaam kshetraaya vishnurmanushe dashasyan .
dhruvaaso asya keerayo janaasa urukshitim sujanimaa chakaara ..
trirdevah' pri'thiveemesha etaam vi chakrame shatarchasam mahitvaa .
pra vishnurastu tavasastaveeyaantvesham hyasya sthavirasya naama ..




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