Sitarama Homa on Vivaha Panchami - 6, December

Vivaha panchami is the day Lord Rama and Sita devi got married. Pray for happy married life by participating in this Homa.

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Invocation for Fearlessness and Protection by Lord Shiva



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Happy to see the impact you are making by supporting Veda pathashalas and goshalas 🌺 -Vishwnath K

Team Vedadhara is doing an invaluable service in propagation of our vast treasures of Sanatana Dharma, for free. My saashtaanga pranams to the Vedik Pandits. -S Gopalakrishnan

This mantra helps -Kumud Chowdhary

Mantras = endless positive vibes. My happy place! 😌🌟 -Shiva Rath

Good Spiritual Service -Rajaram.D

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ॐ नमो भगवते सदाशिवाय सकलतत्त्वात्मकाय सकलतत्त्वविहाराय सकललोकैककर्त्रे सकललौकैकभर्त्रे सकललोकैकहर्त्रे सकललोकैकगुरवे सकललोकैकसाक्षिणे सकलनिगमगुह्याय सकलवरप्रदाय सकलदुरितार्तिभञ्जनाय सकलजगदभयङ्कराय सकललोकैकशङ्कराय शशाङ्कशेखराय शाश्वतनिजाभासाय निर्गुणाय निरुपमाय नीरूपाय निराभासाय निरामयाय निष्प्रपञ्चाय निष्कलङ्काय निर्द्वन्द्वाय निःसङ्गाय निर्मलाय निर्गमाय नित्यरूपविभवाय निरुपमविभवाय निराधाराय नित्यशुद्धबुद्धपरिपूर्णसच्चिदानन्दाद्वयाय परमशान्तप्रकाशतेजोरूपाय जयजय महारुद्र महारौद्र भद्रावतार दुःखदावदारण महाभैरव कालभैरव कल्पान्तभैरव कपालमालाधर खट्वाङ्गखड्गचर्मपाशाङ्कुशडमरुशूलचापबाणगदाशक्तिभिण्डिपालतोमरमुसलमुद्गरपट्टिशपरशुपरिघभुशुण्डीशतघ्नीचक्राद्यायुधभीषणकरसहस्र मुखदंष्ट्राकराल विकटाट्टहासविस्फारितब्रह्माण्डमण्डल नागेन्द्रकुण्डल नागेन्द्रहार नागेन्द्रवलय नागेन्द्रचर्मधर मृत्युञ्जय त्र्यम्बक त्रिपुरान्तक विरूपाक्ष विश्वेश्वर विश्वरूप वृषभवाहन विषभूषण विश्वतोमुख सर्वतो रक्ष रक्ष मां ज्वलज्ज्वल महामृत्युभयं अपमृत्युभयं नाशय नाशय रोगभयमुत्सादयोत्सादय विषसर्पभयं शमय शमय चोरभयं मारय मारय मम शत्रूनुच्चाटयोच्चाटय शूलेन विदारय विदारय कुठारेण भिन्धि भिन्धि खड्गेन छिन्धि छिन्धि खट्वाङ्गेन विपोथय विपोथय मुसलेन निष्पेषय निष्पेषय बाणैः सन्ताडय सन्ताडय रक्षांसि भीषय भीषय भूतानि विद्रावय विद्रावय कूष्माण्डवेतालमारीगणब्रह्मराक्षसान्सन्त्रासय सन्त्रासय ममाभयं कुरु कुरु वित्रस्तं मामाश्वास याश्वासय नरकभयान्मामुद्धारयोद्धारय सञ्जीवय सञ्जीवय क्षुत्तृड्भ्यां मामाप्याययाप्यायय दुःखातुरं मामानन्दयानन्दय शिवकवचेन मामाच्छादयाच्छादय त्र्यम्बक सदाशिव नमस्ते नमस्ते नमस्ते।

om namo bhagavate sadaashivaaya sakalatattvaatmakaaya sakalatattvavihaaraaya sakalalokaikakartre sakalalaukaikabhartre sakalalokaikahartre sakalalokaikagurave sakalalokaikasaakshine sakalanigamaguhyaaya sakalavarapradaaya sakaladuritaartibhanjanaaya sakalajagadabhayankaraaya sakalalokaikashankaraaya shashaankashekharaaya shaashvatanijaabhaasaaya nirgunaaya nirupamaaya neeroopaaya niraabhaasaaya niraamayaaya nishprapanchaaya nishkalankaaya nirdvandvaaya nih'sangaaya nirmalaaya nirgamaaya nityaroopavibhavaaya nirupamavibhavaaya niraadhaaraaya nityashuddhabuddhaparipoornasachchidaanandaadvayaaya paramashaantaprakaashatejoroopaaya jayajaya mahaarudra mahaaraudra bhadraavataara duh'khadaavadaarana mahaabhairava kaalabhairava kalpaantabhairava kapaalamaalaadhara khat'vaangakhad'gacharmapaashaankushad'amarushoolachaapabaanagadaashaktibhind'ipaalatomaramusalamudgarapat't'ishaparashuparighabhushund'eeshataghneechakraadyaayudhabheeshanakarasahasra mukhadamsht'raakaraala vikat'aat't'ahaasavisphaaritabrahmaand'amand'ala naagendrakund'ala naagendrahaara naagendravalaya naagendracharmadhara mri'tyunjaya tryambaka tripuraantaka viroopaaksha vishveshvara vishvaroopa vri'shabhavaahana vishabhooshana vishvatomukha sarvato raksha raksha maam jvalajjvala mahaamri'tyubhayam apamri'tyubhayam naashaya naashaya rogabhayamutsaadayotsaadaya vishasarpabhayam shamaya shamaya chorabhayam maaraya maaraya mama shatroonuchchaat'ayochchaat'aya shoolena vidaaraya vidaaraya kut'haarena bhindhi bhindhi khad'gena chhindhi chhindhi khat'vaangena vipothaya vipothaya musalena nishpeshaya nishpeshaya baanaih' santaad'aya santaad'aya rakshaamsi bheeshaya bheeshaya bhootaani vidraavaya vidraavaya kooshmaand'avetaalamaareeganabrahmaraakshasaansantraasaya santraasaya mamaabhayam kuru kuru vitrastam maamaashvaasa yaashvaasaya narakabhayaanmaamuddhaarayoddhaaraya sanjeevaya sanjeevaya kshuttri'd'bhyaam maamaapyaayayaapyaayaya duh'khaaturam maamaanandayaanandaya shivakavachena maamaachchhaadayaachchhaadaya tryambaka sadaashiva namaste namaste namaste.

Obeisance to the divine Sadashiva, Who is the embodiment of all principles, Who resides in all principles, The sole creator of all worlds, The sole sustainer of all worlds, The sole destroyer of all worlds, The sole teacher of all worlds, The sole witness of all worlds, Who is the secret of all Vedas, Who grants all boons, Who destroys all sufferings and misfortunes, Who instills fear in all worlds, The sole benefactor of all worlds, Who wears the moon on his head, Who has an eternal, self-effulgent light, Who is beyond all attributes, Who is incomparable, Who is formless, Who is without illusion, Who is without disease, Who is beyond the manifest world, Who is spotless, Who is beyond dualities, Who is unattached, Who is pure, Who is the path to liberation, Who is eternal in form and glory, Who is of unmatched splendor, Who is without support, Who is eternally pure, wise, complete, non-dual consciousness-bliss, Who is of supreme tranquility and luminous energy, Hail to the great Rudra, the fierce one, Who has a beneficial incarnation, Who destroys the forest fire of suffering, The great Bhairava, Kala Bhairava, The Bhairava at the end of the Kalpa, Who wears a garland of skulls, Who holds a staff, sword, shield, noose, goad, drum, trident, bow, arrows, mace, shakti, club, pestle, hammer, spear, axe, iron rod, pike, and discus, Who is fearsome with thousands of hands, with terrifying fangs, Whose loud laughter expands the universe, Who wears snakes as earrings, garland, bracelet, and clothes, The conqueror of death, The three-eyed one, The destroyer of Tripura, Who has various forms, Lord of the universe, The one who rides a bull, Who wears poison, Who faces in all directions, Protect me from all directions, Burn, burn, Destroy the fear of great death, Destroy the fear of untimely death, Destroy the fear of diseases, Destroy, destroy, Remove the fear of poisons and snakes, Pacify, pacify, Destroy the fear of thieves, Destroy, destroy my enemies, Cut down, cut down with the spear, Split apart with the axe, Cut off with the sword, Crush with the staff, Pulverize with the pestle, Strike with arrows, Frighten the demons, Drive away evil spirits, Pacify the hosts of goblins, ghouls, and demons, Give me fearlessness, Comfort me who is terrified, Uplift me from the fear of hell, Revive, revive me, Nourish me from hunger and thirst, Bring happiness to me who is suffering, Cover me with the armor of Shiva, Hail, hail, O three-eyed Sadashiva.

Knowledge Bank

Wife should be on which side of husband?

In all rituals, the wife should be on the right side of the husband except: 1. While abhisheka/sprinkling of teertha is being performed on self. 2. When washing the feet of brahmins. 3. While receiving blessings from brahmins. 4. When sindoora is being offered. 5. When shanti rituals are being performed 6. When pratishta of a temple is being done. 7. When udyapana of a vrata is being done. 8. While leaving for marital home after marriage. 9. When coming to the parental home for the first time after marriage. 10. While having food. 11. On the bed.

Gajendra was a rebirth of Indradyumna

The famous Gajendra (king elephant) whom Lord Vishnu gave moksha was a rebirth of Indradyumna. But this Indradyumna was a Pandya king cursed by Sage Agastya to take birth as an elephant.


Panchavati is in which state of India ?



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