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Somapushana Mantra: Cure for Skin Issues

Somapushana Mantra: Cure for Skin Issues



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Somapushana Mantra: Cure for Skin Issues

There are two mantras in the Yajurveda that are helpful in curing and preventing skin diseases.

The first mantra is addressed to the deities Soma and Pusha. In the second mantra, Indra is also prayed to. The basic idea is:

Janmantara krutam papam vyadhirupena jayate.

The sins committed in a past janma (birth) appear as diseases in the present janma. Thus, most diseases have a karmic connection, though not every disease does. Diseases can also result from the vitiation of vata, pitta, and kapha. However, skin diseases often have a karmic basis.

For example:
हिंसा विप्रस्य भार्यागमनमपि गुरोर्दुश्चिकित्साप्रयोगो
विश्वस्ते पुंसि दौष्ट्यात् गरलवितरणं कुष्ठरोगस्य हेतुः

Leprosy arises in individuals who have committed serious sins (maha patakas) such as brahmahatya (killing a Brahmin), gurupatnigamana (illicit relations with the guru's wife), administering harmful treatments knowingly, or poisoning someone deliberately.

The cause of visarpa (herpes) is explained as:
विसर्पहेतुं खलु सर्पहिंसां
सर्पेण हिंसाश्च परस्य् विद्यात्

This condition is linked to harming snakes or using snakes to harm others.

Behind every skin disease, there could be a sin (papa) from the past.

The Veda says: दुश्चर्मा...
If someone fears they might suffer from a skin disease or notices symptoms, they should perform the following:

Make an offering to the deities Soma and Pusha.

Why Soma and Pusha? Because the mantra states:
सोमापूषभ्यां हि कर्मफलं यजमाने बध्यते
These deities bind the result of karma—good or bad—to its performer.

How do they do this?
Through food. The body is made of food, and anything that affects the body does so through food.

यो यस्यान्नं समश्नाति स तस्याश्नाति किल्बिषम्
When you consume food offered by someone, you also partake in their sins.

This principle explains how parents' sins affect children. Even a child in the womb receives nourishment through the mother’s body, maintaining the chain of karmic connection through food.

Soma and Pusha are the deities connected to food. Soma is the essence of food in plants, while Pusha provides nourishment to the plants from the earth.

Soma’s role:
सोमसंबन्धि ओषधिरसेन जातत्वात् पुरुषः सोमदेवताकः
The body is formed from food, and food comes from plants. Soma is the deity residing in plants, making the body Somadevatakaha (of the form of Soma).

Pusha’s role:
The deity of mother earth is Pusha: इयं वै पूषा. Nutrients in plants come from the earth, and Pusha facilitates this nourishment.

Thus, Soma and Pusha are crucial for the karmic connection maintained through food and the body.

When one prays to Soma and Pusha, acknowledging that diseases stem from one’s own bad karma, these deities can offer relief.

इमौ तमांसि अजुष्टा
They do not favor tamas or tamoguna. Diseases, being tamasik in nature, are opposed by these deities.

How do they cure diseases?
With Indra’s help:
आमासु उस्रियासु च अन्तः पक्वं जनत्
They impart medicinal properties to the milk of mothers and cows, which nourish and strengthen the body.

In this way, Soma, Pusha, and Indra prevent and cure skin diseases caused by bad karma.

Knowledge Bank

What is the connection between Nara-Narayana and Badrikashrama?

Sages Nara and Narayana have been observing severe tapas at Badrikashrama for a long time for the welfare of the world.

Who was the father of Dronacharya?

Sage Bharadwaja.


In Advaita Vedanta, what does Adhyāsa primarily refer to?



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