The next shloka is also addressed to Lakshmi Devi:
तव सुप्रभातमरविन्दलोचने
भवतु प्रसन्नमुखचन्द्रमण्डले।
वृषशैलनाथदयिते दयानिधे॥
Aravinda lochane – your eyes are similar to lotus petals.
Prasanna mukha chandra mandale – your face is as pleasant as the moon.
Bhavatu tava suprabhatam – Suprabhatam to you.
Vidhi shankara indra vanitabihi archite – you are worshiped by the spouses of Vidhi, that is, Brahma, Shankara, and Indra.
Vrishashailanatha dayite – wife of the Swami of Vrishashaila.
Dayanidhe – she is a treasure of kindness.
अत्र्यादिसप्तऋषयस्समुपास्य सन्ध्यां
आकाशसिन्धुकमलानि मनोहराणि।
आदाय पादयुगमर्चयितुं प्रपन्नाः
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम्॥
The Saptarshis – Atri, Bhrigu, Kutsa, Vasishta, Gautama, Kashyapa, and Angirasa (Atryadi sapta rishayaha)
Samupasya sandhyam – after completing their sandhya vandanam,
Manoharani akasha sindhu kamalani adaya – they have brought beautiful lotuses that have blossomed in the divine waters of heaven.
Padayugamarchayitum prapannaha – they have come to worship your feet with those lotuses.
Sheshadrisekharavibho – oh lord of the peak of Sheshadri,
Suprabhatam to you.
पञ्चानन अब्जभव षण्मुख वासवाद्याः
त्रैविक्रमादिचरितं विबुधाः स्तुवन्ति।
भाषापतिः पठति वासर शुद्धिमारात्
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम्॥
Panchananaha – Lord Shiva.
Abjabhavaha – Brahma.
Shanmukhaha – Subrahmanya.
Vasavaha – Indra.
Vasavadyaha vibudhaha – Vibudha means Devas; all Devas starting from Shankara, Brahma, Subrahmanya, and Indra,
they have all come to praise you through the stories of your great acts, Traivikramadi charitam stuvanti.
Bhashapati pathati vasara shudhi – Brihaspati is reading the panchanga for you.
Aarat – standing nearby.
Sheshadrisekharavibho – lord of the peak of Sheshadri,
Suprabhatam to you.
ईषत्प्रफुल्ल सरसीरुह नारिकेल
पूगद्रुमादि सुमनोहर पालिकानाम्।
आवाति मन्दमनिलस्सह दिव्यगन्धैः
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम्॥
Anilaha mandam aavati – the gentle breeze,
Saha divya gandhih – carrying the fragrance of,
Ishat praphulla – a little blossomed,
Saraseeruha – lotus,
Narikela – coconut flower,
Pugadruma – arecanut flower,
and Palika – Palika is a plant with a flower in the shape of an ear.
The breeze is carrying the fragrance of all these flowers.
Sheshadrisekharavibho tave suprabhatam – the lord is being told about the quality of the gentle breeze.
उन्मील्य नेत्रयुगमुत्तम पंजरस्थाः
भुक्त्वा सलीलमथ केलिशुकाः पठन्ति
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम्॥
Uttama panjarastaha keli shukaha – the playful parrots in their cages,
Saleelamatha pathanti – they are also wishing you Suprabhatam.
Unmeelya netrayugam – after opening their eyes, after they have woken up,
Patravashishta kadaleephala payasani bhuktva – after taking whatever bananas and payasa remain in their feeding vessels.
If you suppress your desires, they will only grow. Minimizing worldly activities is the only way to reduce worldly desires.
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