Confidence Of Vibhishana In Rama Nama

Today we will look at the meaning of the Divya Nama Vrishakarma and also take a glance at Vibhishana's Rama bhakti.
अमोघः पुण्डरीकाक्षो वृषकर्मा वृषाकृतिः
Vrishakarma धर्मलक्षणं कर्मास्येति वृषकर्मा
While looking at the meaning of the Vrishakapi, we have already seen how Vrisha stands for dharma.
So not getting into it again.
Whatever Sri Hari does is dharma.
That's why even on earth, when Valmiki wanted to write about someone who never ever deviated from dharma, not even once, not even by an iota then the name suggested to him was that of Lord Rama.
रामो विग्रहवान् धर्मः
Rama is dharma embodied.
श्रॆयस्करं धर्मरूपं कर्म यस्य प्रचक्षतॆ | वृषकर्मॆति विख्यातः शुभकर्मप्रदॊ मनुः ||
What is special about karma based on dharma?
Any action is karma.
But if the karma is based on dharma it will lead to shreyas.
Auspiciousness, here and hereafter, both.
Vrisha is bull.
The primary act of the bull is the fertilization of the cows, which leads to abundance.
More cows means more milk.
More hungry stomachs satisfied.
More yajnas performed.
This act of the bull is called sechana, showering.
Like how the rain clouds shower.
Do the rain clouds get any benefit by showering?
That's for us.
So that we get drinking water, the land becomes fertile, and heat is reduced.
We are the only beneficiaries.
In the same way, all actions of Bhagawan we are the whole and sole beneficiaries.
Can we ask the rain clouds, that you rain now.
It doesn't happen like that.
Bhagawan also showers his kindness upon us whenever he wants.
Not necessarily when we ask for it.

This incident is after Vibhishana took over as the king of Lanka.
Once a ship got stranded in the sea.
It was stuck.
The sailors thought Samudra Devata is angry with us due to some reason.
So they decided to sacrifice a man, offer narabali to propitiate Samudra Devata.
They picked up the most frail and weak man and dropped him in the sea.
He didn't die.
He managed to stay afloat, swim and reached Lanka's shore.
The Rakshasa guards caught him and produced him before Vibhishana.
His figure reminded Vibhishana of Lord Rama's state when he had met him for the first time.
The Lord was in deep grief due to separation from Seetha matha and had become frail.
Vibhishana jumped down from the throne and said: I am so lucky that I could see someone who brought to my mind that form of the Lord.
The man was treated with a lot of respect.
Well taken care of.
He spent some time in Lanka.
But he was not all that happy.
Once Vibhishana asked him he said: I want to go back.
Vibhishana gave him a lot of gold and gems as gift, brought him to the seashore, wrote Rama Nama on his head, and said this Rama Nama will take you back home.
He waited.
After some time the same ship came from which he was dropped into the sea.
The sailors recognized him and offered to take him back home.
In the middle of the sea, when they realized that he had a lot of gold and gems with him, they snatched them all and again dropped him into the sea.
But this time, he just started to walk over the water.
They were shocked to see this.
And got scared.
They immediately took him back into the ship and he reached home safely.
See the power of the divine name.
It is not that troubles will not come in life.
That is a false hope.
Troubles can come in anybody's life any time.
But if you have the protection of the Divya Nama you can easily come out.



Vishnu Sahasranama

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