Let us find out which yoga is suitable for you depending on your nature and characteristics.
Four forms of yoga according to Shiva-Samhita
They are: Mantra-yoga, Hatha-yoga, Laya-yoga, and Raja-yoga.
Mantra-yoga: achieving the state of yoga through the chanting of mantras.
Hatha-yoga: achieving the state of yoga focusing on physical acts such as asanas and kriyas.
Laya-yoga: achieving the state of yoga through meditation.
Raja-yoga: achieving the state of yoga through shunning of all forms of duality.
Four types of sadhakas
- Mridu: Basic
- Madhyama: Intermediate
- Adhimatra: Advanced
- Adhimatra-tama: Perfect
What are the basic qualities needed for yoga-sadhana?
- faith that my sadhana will definitely lead me to the specified result
- unfailing adherence to the sadhana routine
- service to Guru
- equanimity; treating everyone equally
- control over sensory organs and mind; what to see, what to hear etc.
- control over food
- minimum interaction with people who are only materialistic in their outlook
- avoiding harsh words and behavior
What are the characteristics of the Basic-sadhaka?
He has all the above qualities to some extent, but:
- lacks enthusiasm
- is foolish at times
- not very healthy
- lacks confidence in Guru
- doesn't completely abstain from evil thought and deeds
- lacks control over sexual thoughts and needs
- is dependent on others
- is not completely soft and kind
Which yoga is suitable for the Basic-sadhaka?
He can attain success in twelve years by divine grace.
What are the characteristics of the Intermediate-sadhaka?
- intelligent
- tolerant
- has desire to perform good deeds
- talks sweetly
- adopts the middle-path in all matters
Which yoga is suitable for the Intermediate-sadhaka?
Laya-yoga is ideal for the Intermediate-sadhaka.
What are the characteristics of the Advanced-sadhaka?
- stable mind
- capable of deep meditation
- not dependent on anyone
- courageous
- big-hearted
- tolerant
- kind
- honest
- interest to delve into samadhi
- worshipful of Guru
- fully into yoga-related activities
Which yoga is suitable for the Advanced-sadhaka?
He will be able to accomplish siddhi in six years.
What are the characteristics of the Perfect-sadhaka?
- very valorous
- highly enthusiastic
- knows principles of yoga-shastra very well
- practices without fail
- free from all worries
- alert
- has sensory organs and mind fully under control
- youthful body
- moderate food intake
- fearless
- hygienic and pure conduct
- skillful
- charitable
- dependable
- stable mind
- wise
- happy
- maintains secrecy about own spirituality
- full faith in Yoga-shastra and Guru
- speaks only truth
- speaks sweetly
- keeps interaction with others to a minimum
- healthy body
Which yoga is suitable for the Perfect-sadhaka?
All yogas are suitable for him including Raja-yoga.