
Abhyanga massage


Abhyanga means applying something such as oil on the body and massaging.

Abhyanga snana means taking a bath after that.

Abhyanga is also called abhyanjana.

Abhyanga has got relevance both in Ayurveda and Hindu religion.


Abhyanga in Ayurveda


Ayurveda prescribes applying oil from head to toes and massaging on a regular basis.

If this is not possible, an oil massage should be done at least on the head, earlobes, and feet.


Benefits of abhyanga


  • Keeps the body youthful.
  • Pacifies vata, and kapha diseases.
  • Keeps the skin soft and glowing.
  • Nourishes the dhatus of the body.
  • There are two nerves at the feet connecting directly to the eyes. Massaging the feet is good for eyesight.
  • Removes dirt from the body completely.
  • It has a cooling effect.
  • Good for sleep.


When abhyanga should not be done


  • If kapha is vitiated in the body.
  • If there is indigestion.
  • If there is vomiting.


Abhyanga in Hindu religion


The smritis prescribe regular abhyanga snana except on some forbidden days.

Not taking abhyanga snana can deprive one of his health, longevity, wealth, and fortune.

In addition to oil, the smritis prescribe various other materials like mud, flowers, and durva grass.

In the religious context, abhyanga is meant to purify the body, mind, and atma.


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