Special - Aghora Rudra Homa for protection - 14, September

Cleanse negativity, gain strength. Participate in the Aghora Rudra Homa and invite divine blessings into your life.

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Atharva Veda Mantra For Long And Active Life



Vedadhara's influence has been transformative. My heartfelt gratitude for the positivity it has brought. 🙏🏻 -Karthika

Vedadhara's servise to society is commendable 🌟🙏🙏 -P R Laxmi

What you teach us everyday is great and salute to your dedication. Keep it continue -User_siadz6

Marvelous! 💯❤️ -Keshav Divakar

Energetic vibrations. Thank you.🌸 -Soumya Das

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Knowledge Bank

Who is Abala?

In the Vedic scriptures, you will find that the forces of nature also have characteristics similar to humans. This is because humans are the only beings fully representing all the aspects of the universe. There are several Agnis. One of them is Panchajanya. He got this name because he was born from the collective energies of five Rishis. Panchajanya had fifteen sons. Abala was one among them.


Who is the mother of Gold ?

विश्वे देवा वसवो रक्षतेममुतादित्या जागृत यूयमस्मिन् । मेमं सनाभिरुत वान्यनाभिर्मेमं प्रापत्पौरुषेयो वधो यः ॥१॥ ये वो देवाः पितरो ये च पुत्राः सचेतसो मे शृणुतेदमुक्तम् । सर्वेभ्यो वः परि ददाम्येतं स्वस्त्येनं जरसे ....

विश्वे देवा वसवो रक्षतेममुतादित्या जागृत यूयमस्मिन् ।
मेमं सनाभिरुत वान्यनाभिर्मेमं प्रापत्पौरुषेयो वधो यः ॥१॥
ये वो देवाः पितरो ये च पुत्राः सचेतसो मे शृणुतेदमुक्तम् ।
सर्वेभ्यो वः परि ददाम्येतं स्वस्त्येनं जरसे वहाथ ॥२॥
ये देवा दिवि ष्ठ ये पृथिव्यां ये अन्तरिक्ष ओषधीषु पशुष्वप्स्वन्तः ।
ते कृणुत जरसमायुरस्मै शतमन्यान् परि वृणक्तु मृत्यून् ॥३॥
येषां प्रयाजा उत वानुयाजा हुतभागा अहुतादश्च देवाः ।
येषां वः पञ्च प्रदिशो विभक्तास्तान् वो अस्मै सत्रसदः कृणोमि ॥४॥

vishve devaa vasavo rakshatemamutaadityaa jaagri'ta yooyamasmin .
memam sanaabhiruta vaanyanaabhirmemam praapatpaurusheyo vadho yah' ..1..
ye vo devaah' pitaro ye cha putraah' sachetaso me shri'nutedamuktam .
sarvebhyo vah' pari dadaamyetam svastyenam jarase vahaatha ..2..
ye devaa divi sht'ha ye pri'thivyaam ye antariksha oshadheeshu pashushvapsvantah' .
te kri'nuta jarasamaayurasmai shatamanyaan pari vri'naktu mri'tyoon ..3..
yeshaam prayaajaa uta vaanuyaajaa hutabhaagaa ahutaadashcha devaah' .
yeshaam vah' pancha pradisho vibhaktaastaan vo asmai satrasadah' kri'nomi ..4..




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