Makara Sankranti Special - Surya Homa for Wisdom - 14, January

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Yes Guruji, even when I declared I'll not marry, everyone advise me you need someone to take care of you when you are sick & in old age. But, I am born with Independent & taking care of myself without any expectation that someone need to help me. What all arrangement needed to be independent, I am making myself. I was thinking how people expect somebody should take care of them. Such very thought make them not to take care of them, neglect their health & protection, don't make arrangements to be independent... Finally, if nobody supported, they'll suffer very badly, because, they have not trained themselves to be independent... Such people are the one who suffer the most. Thank you Guruji for this knowledge. Yes, being independent will free us from suffering.... -Sunitha S Rao

Vedadhara's influence has been transformative. My heartfelt gratitude for the positivity it has brought. 🙏🏻 -Karthika

🙏🙏🙏 -Geetha Raman

Remarkable! ✨🌟👏 -User_se91ur

Your content is truly unique and enlightening. Keep up the exceptional work. Many thanks.💐🙏 -K Jagan

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Knowledge Bank

Which Goddess is called Adya ?

In the Krita Yuga, Goddess Tripurasundari is addressed as 'Adya' due to her predominance. Similarly, in the Treta Yuga, Goddess Bhuvaneshwari holds the title of 'Adya,' in the Dvapara Yuga, Goddess Tara is known as 'Adya,' and in the Kali Yuga, Goddess Kali is addressed as 'Adya.'

Are Upanishads and Vedanta the same?

Vedanta is the culmination of Hindu Philosophical thought. Vedanta primarily consists of Brahma Sutras written by Badarayana, Bhagavad Gita, and the Upanishads collectively called the Prasthana Trayi and also their interpretations by scholars such as Sankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, and Madhvacharya. Brama Sutras are Upanishadic principles expressed in a concise Sutra format. Bhagavad Gita is a Smriti - Upanishad whereas the other Upanishads are Shruti - Upanishads.


Who is the Goddess of iquor?


Devi Mahatmyam

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