Special Homa on Gita Jayanti - 11, December

Pray to Lord Krishna for wisdom, guidance, devotion, peace, and protection by participating in this Homa.

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Thank you for sharing valuable information & your efforts for the awareness about Sanatan -Renu Bhatt

Your commitment to Hinduism's future is amazing 🙏 -Preetal Ahuja

very detailed explanation sir, thank you 🙏❤️💯 -Sandesh

Very informative. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 -Dinesh. Mysore

Thank you for your great work for dharma. -User_sm1ntj

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Knowledge Bank

What Vedas say about the universe

Just as waves arise out of the sea, the universe arises out of Brahman at the time of creation. A small part of Brahman itself becomes the universe. At the time of pralaya, just like how the waves fall back into the sea, the universe also dissolves back into Brahman.

What is your expectation in bhakti?

In bhakti, you don't expect any reward. You simply want to love Bhagavan and do not expect anything in return.


Name of the sabha in which the game of dice between Pandavas and Kauravas took place ?


Devi Mahatmyam

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