Ganesha Purana prescribes the use of only clay idols in Vinayaka Chaturthi Puja. Sanatana Dharma is very sensitive about nature and the ecosystem. Vinayaka Chaturthi idols are to be immersed after the Puja. So ideally it has to be a material soluble in water. You can imagine the situation if thousands of wooden or metal idols are immersed in water every year. Moreover, Veda says that the earth was originally made up of clay. Clay was the prime material at the time of creation. That is yet another reason for prescribing clay.
There are impressions of two lizards on the roof of the mukha mandapa of Ammavari shrine. Sins will be washed off if you touch those lizards.
Money earned through unfair means destroys the family. Purity and simplicity are the lights that show you the path in spirituality. Someone who has conquered thousands in a war is not victorious, someone who has conquered himself is the one who is victorious.....
Money earned through unfair means destroys the family.
Purity and simplicity are the lights that show you the path in spirituality.
Someone who has conquered thousands in a war is not victorious, someone who has conquered himself is the one who is victorious.
Rivers were holy for us. We never used to pollute them
Sri Kalahasti Temple
Everything you need to know about Srikalahasti Temple....
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achaturaananamusvabhuvam hari- maharameva sunaadamaheshvaram|....
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