Sri Suktam Explained - Part 12

Sri Suktam Explained - Part 12

चन्द्रां प्रभासां यशसा ज्वलन्तीं श्रियं लोके देवजुष्टामुदाराम्
तां पद्मनेमिं शरणमहं प्रपद्येऽलक्ष्मीर्मे नश्यतां त्वां वृणे

चन्द्रां – We have already seen the meaning of the word Chandra. She provides immense happiness, Ahlada, and Ananda. She remains in a state of Ananda due to her proximity to Sri Hari and imparts the same to her devotees. Hence, she is called Chandra.

प्रभासाम्प्रकृष्टतया भासमानाम् – Exceptionally brilliant.
Her brilliance is as if a thousand moons are lighting up the sky together. That is the radiance of her divine form.

यशसा ज्वलन्तीम् – Her fame and glory shine brightly. As the mother of the universe, the Saha-Dharmini of Sri Hari, the epitome of utmost kindness, and the goddess of all wealth, her brilliance is dazzling.

श्रियम्सर्व समाश्रयणीयाम् – She is called Shree because she is the refuge (Ashraya) of everyone.

This includes beings in all the worlds (Lokas), even those living in higher realms like Bhuvarloka, Swargaloka, Maholoka, Janoloka, Tapoloka, and Satyaloka. They all depend on her.

She is देवजुष्टाम् – The Devas pray to her and serve her to obtain and maintain their Devatva (divinity). The Devatva of Devas is sustained by her grace. They remain as Devas only as long as she wishes, so they continuously serve her.

दिव्यो देव एको नारायणः – And she is the source of Ananda for the one and only Deva—Narayana. For her, too, the only source of Ananda is Sri Hari and his proximity.

उदाराम्देवेभ्यः सर्वकामवर्षिणीम् – She is so generous that she showers all the desires of the Devas upon them.

पद्मनेमिंपद्मेव नयनसाधनम् – पद्मेव नयनमोहनम् – She is as pleasant to the eyes as the lotus flower.

Nemi means the rim of a wheel. The wheel of Samsara—comprising the repetitions of birth, life, and death—along with the Kalachakra (wheel of time), which repeats itself Kalpa after Kalpa, are all like lotuses in her hands.

तां शरणमहं प्रपद्ये – I take refuge in her.
त्वां वृणे – I accept you as my only refuge. I accept your lotus feet as my sole sanctuary.

By doing so:
अलक्ष्मीः मे नश्यतां – May my Alakshmi (misfortune) be destroyed.

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