Sri Suktam Explained - Part 4

Sri Suktam Explained - Part 4

That is why the Ramayana says:
अलमेषा परित्रातुं – She can single-handedly protect. She doesn’t need anyone to support or help her because she is nothing but Sri Hari’s power.

She is:
विश्वस्य भर्त्री – She commands the universe. She rules over the universe.
जगतः प्रतिष्ठा – She alone sustains the universe.

She, as the power of Sri Hari, alone blows the wind, makes the sun shine, and causes the clouds to rain. She is the Shakti of Sri Hari. She is not different from Sri Hari.

It is prayed to her:
सा नो लोकममृतं दधातु – May she give us that eternal world.

Sri Hari does not grant us that eternal world. She alone has the authority to give it. She decides who should enter that eternal world and who should not.

The Path to Amruta Loka

You might wonder why so much importance is given to Radha, why people say 'Radhe Radhe' more often than 'Krishna Krishna.' People may do this unknowingly, but this is the truth behind it.

If you want to attain the Amruta Loka of Sri Hari, she is the route. She is the immigration authority at the gates, clearing your entry into his world.

What is that world?
तद्विष्णोः परमं पदं सदा पश्यन्ति सूरयः
The saints develop systems of worship not out of whims and fancies but based on underlying truths in the Vedas.

It is ignorant to say, 'There is no Radha in the Vedas.' This is the principle behind Yugalopasana.
This one statement—सा नो लोकममृतं दधातु—is enough as the pramana for Yugalopasana. She is the giver of that Amruta Loka.

Lakshmi Devi in Scriptures

The Vishnu Purana declares:
त्वं सिद्धिस्त्वं स्वधा स्वाहा सुधा त्वं लोकपावनी
संध्या रात्रिः प्रभा भूतिर्मेधा श्रद्धा सरस्वती

She is Lokapavani—she purifies and removes sins, making one pure and eligible to enter Sri Hari’s Loka.

She is also described as:
यज्ञविद्या महाविद्या गुह्यविद्या च शोभने
आत्मविद्या च देवि त्वं विमुक्तिफलदायिनी

All kinds of Vidya—whether Yajnavidya (knowledge of sacrifice), the Mahavidyas, the Dasha Mahavidyas, Guhyavidya (secret methods), or Atmavidya (Upanishadic principles)—are forms of Goddess Lakshmi. They are all manifestations of Sri Hari’s Shakti.

Hence, she is:
विमुक्तिफलदायिनी – The one who grants liberation (Moksha).

Even the Devas worship her:
श्रद्धां देवा यजमानः – The Devas are devoted to her.

She is worshipped during the Sandhyavandana prayers:
श्रद्धां प्रातर्हवामहे श्रद्धां मध्यंदिनं परि श्रद्धां सूर्यस्य निम्रुचि

Gayatri Devi, worshipped in the morning, noon, and at sunset, is none other than Goddess Lakshmi. The Sandhyopasana performed at these times is directed to her.

She resides within the Devas:
श्रद्धा देवानधिवस्ते – She is their Antaryami (inner controller).

The Mother of All Desires

She is:
श्रद्धां कामस्य मातरं हविषा वर्धयामसि
कामस्य माता – The mother of all that is desirable.

Why is she called 'Mother'? Because a mother gives birth and brings into existence what is non-existent.

When we say the Goddess is the giver of wealth and abundance, this is the basis. Most people desire wealth and abundance, and she is the mother who brings these into existence for those who lack them.

But her generosity does not end there. She gives everything—even Moksha, the ultimate destination, the highest desirable goal, the Nishreyas.

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