Sri Suktam Explained - Part 8

Sri Suktam Explained - Part 8

Once a lady told that her young baby girl doesn’t sleep at all. She keeps awake throughout the night, so others in the family are also not able to sleep. You see all of them with drowsy eyes throughout the day because they are not able to sleep at night.

I asked her, 'What is the name of the child?'
She said, 'Vinidra.'
I asked, 'What does it mean?'
She replied, 'Vinidra means without Nidra—sleepless.'
I asked, 'Where did you get this name?'
She said, 'That is the name of Devi. I got it online.'

For Devi, it is fine—Devi can be Vinidra. But if you name a child Vinidra, this is what happens. It won’t sleep. This is the problem with selecting names from websites called “Hindu names for boys” or “Hindu names for girls.” The people behind these websites don’t know the meaning of the names or their consequences.

There are many more experiences like this.

Another name—Kiyan—means 'How many?' Kiyat is singular, and its plural is Kiyan. Where did this name come from? It probably originated from Jnana—knowledge. Jnana, when pronounced in Hindi, became Gyan. Gyan, when copied from website to website with linguistic distortions, became Giyaan and finally Kiyan.

And now, you have a boy who stares at your face with a question: 'Kiyan? How many?' What 'How many?' How many do you want? How many are you? This is what happens.

Another person recently asked me, 'I have named my child Videy. What could be the meaning of this?' After naming the child, he is asking what the name could mean. If you try to conjure a meaning, it could be Visheshana Deyam—something to be given away specially. Visheshena Deyam. Is this what he wants to do with his child?

Coming back to Chandra—Chandra means something that gives Ahlada—pleasantness.
चन्द्रां – तापत्रयतप्तान् स्वसमाश्रयणॊन्मुखान् आह्लादयन्तीम्
She gives happiness to those who are burning in the three kinds of miseries—Adhyatmika, Adhibhautika, and Adhidaivika Tapas—happiness to those who take refuge in her. That is why she is called Chandra.

हिरण्मयीं – हिरण्यादिसर्वधनप्रचुराम्
She has all kinds of wealth in abundance with her. She is called वामहस्तवसुप्रदा—she gives this wealth with her left hand. That is why, in photos of Lakshmi, we see gold coins pouring down from her left hand.

वसुधारामुदारां च हरिणीं वसुवर्षिणीम्
धनधान्यकरीं सिद्धिं वसुधां वसुधारिणीम्
निधिद्वयेनापि धनं प्रापयन्तीं मनोरथान्
Vasu means wealth. Wealth flows down like a stream, like a waterfall, from her left hand. She rains wealth. When she blesses, it is not a potful or a few pots full of gold coins, as we see in photos. She rains wealth—money, grains, whatever you need.

Because she is Vasudha, all these are under her command and with her. She is Vasudharinee.

Shastras talk about different kinds of wealth:
पद्मिनी नाम या विद्या लक्ष्मीस्तस्याधिदेवता
This Vidya (knowledge) about wealth is called Padmini—what you may call 'wealth management' or 'asset management' today. This was referred to as Padmini in the scriptures. This knowledge classifies Nidhi (wealth) into eight types:
तत्र पद्ममहापद्मौ तथा मकरकच्छपौ।
मुकुन्दनीलौ नन्दश्च शङ्खश्चैवाष्टमो निधिः।

  1. Padma – Inherited wealth.
  2. Mahapadma – Wealth earned through mining gold, silver, copper, and other metals.
  3. Makara – Wealth earned through weapons, providing security, or professions employing force.
  4. Kachchapa – Wealth earned through dubious means, involving deception and cheating.
  5. Mukunda – Wealth earned through arts like music, dance, and acting.
  6. Neela – Wealth earned by using natural resources like agriculture, wells, flowers, perfumes, etc.
  7. Nanda – Wealth earned through trading precious metals, musical instruments, or general trade.
  8. Shankha – Wealth amassed by misers.

Lakshmi Devi is the goddess of all these kinds of wealth. Some types, like money earned through unfair means or amassed by a miser, are undesirable, yet she governs even those types.

As an expansion of Nidhidvaya, it is said:
शंखपद्मनिधी लक्ष्म्यां पादयोरग्रतः स्थितौ।
पश्यन्तौ मुखमन्योन्यं वमन्तौ विपुलं धनम्।
The two kinds of wealth—Shankha and Padma—stay in front of her feet, facing each other, and wealth keeps pouring out of them.

Not much is known about Lakshmi Devi; there isn’t much literature available. That is why we are elaborating on her.

चन्द्रं हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं
Lakshmi means:
सर्वसुरासुर मनुज मुनीन्द्रादिभिर्लक्षणीया प्रार्थनीया
सर्वैश्वर्यनिमित्तभूत दिव्य लक्षणसंपन्ना
She is prayed to by everyone—Devas, Asuras, humans, and sages. She is Lakshaneeya—desired by everyone.

She possesses all the qualities that signify Aishwarya (prosperity). Her attire, ornaments, and beauty indicate wealth and prosperity. This is natural—beauty, aesthetics, and wealth go hand in hand. Affluent places are always beautiful and well-decorated. Wherever Lakshmi is present, the place looks wealthy and grand.

We are discussing this one particular aspect of the goddess—as the provider of wealth.

Jatavedo ma aavaha.
Jataveda, Sri Hari, is being addressed.
Ma aavaha—bring her to me.

Bring Lakshmi Devi, who is Hiranyavarna, Harinee, Suvarna Rajata Srajaa, Chandra, and Hiranyamayi, to me. Sri Hari is being prayed to.

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