Special - Kubera Homa - 20th, September

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Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, And The Universe



This is the best website -Prakash Bhat

Vedadhara's contribution to the future of Sanatan Dharma is priceless 🙏 -Prof Vidyadhar

Heartfelt thnks for making scriptures simple and acurate with your teachings -Samyukta Hari

Selfless service to humanity is true service to God and the highest form of worship. An endeavour in this direction by Vedhadhara!!! Kudos to all your efforts! 🪔🙏 -User_sfbsve

Vedadhara's work is praiseworthy, thank you 🙏 -Riya Sen

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Knowledge Bank

What are the other names of Bhai Dooj?

Bhau Beej, Bhai Tika, or Bhai Phonta.

What are some ways to worship my Ishta Devata?

There are many different ways to worship your Ishta Devata. Some common ways include: 1. Chanting mantras Offering prayers. 2. Making offerings of food and flowers. 3. Visiting temples. 4. Performing pujas. 5. Meditating upon the form. 6. Listening to and propagating the glories.


From where was Seetha Mata abducted ?

Kinetic and potential energy - Physics. What has this got to do with the principle of creation-sustenance-dissolution? You must know that after the universe comes into existence, it stays that way for 4.32 billion years. Then it dissolves. There is nothing for the next 4.32 billion years, then again the universe comes back. We know that the universe as we see and experience around us consists of objects and energies. They interact with each other and this is what we perceive as action. Even matter, we know is dense energy, vibrations. So ....

Kinetic and potential energy - Physics.
What has this got to do with the principle of creation-sustenance-dissolution?
You must know that after the universe comes into existence, it stays that way for 4.32 billion years.
Then it dissolves.
There is nothing for the next 4.32 billion years, then again the universe comes back.
We know that the universe as we see and experience around us consists of objects and energies.
They interact with each other and this is what we perceive as action.
Even matter, we know is dense energy, vibrations.
So the universe is vibrations.
What does it mean?
It is energy in action, energy in motion - kinetic energy.
Even when an object simply exists, motionless, even then it is just vibrations.

Then what happens when the universe dissolves?
Kinetic energy is converted into potential energy.
Inert, inactive but with the potential to act.
Potential to again become the universe.
This state is what our scriptures call Tirobhava.
The whole kinetic energy which has manifested as the universe gets converted into potential energy ready for the next call to action.

Compare this to a hydroelectric project.
Water stored in the reservoir only has potential energy.
But when it is released, it turns the turbine and produces electricity.
Electricity lights lamps, runs machines, becomes movies, becomes music and a whole lot of such things.
The creation - sustenance - dissolution cycle is also like this.




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