For People With Intelligence And Interest There Is No Better Method Than Bhagavata

For People With Intelligence And Interest There Is No Better Method Than Bhagavata

Bhagawata is being described here as prochita kaitava. Kaitava is kaptya—corruption. Prochita kaitava is 'devoid of corruption'.

We saw how the Veda Marga has got corrupted due to wrong interpretation of Vedic principles by the so-called scholars, how the path of observing Acharas has got corrupted due to ignorance of the principle behind them, how tapas has got corrupted due to hypocrisy, and how vratas, such as adhering to honesty, are difficult to practice in the present day.

Compared to this, Bhagawata Dharma is still pure, uncorrupt, because Bhagawata Dharma is simple and straightforward. Bhagawata Dharma is the Parama Dharma—the ultimate Dharma, because, through this, Sri Krishna can be attained. It is the Dharma observed by great sages such as Vyasa, who do not have the sense of competition among them.

We saw the Vedic path got corrupted because the scholars competed among themselves to prove that all except themselves were wrong. Sages such as Vyasa never competed. They always went for the essence and never bothered about name or fame. Bhagawata Dharma is the Dharma practiced by such sages.

Vedya vastu is present in Bhagawata. Knowledge of vedya vastu is present in Bhagawata. What is vedya vastu? It is what needs to be known, what is for real. Vastu is something that has vastavikata—real existence.

Other than Bhagawata, the other shastras belong to either pravritti marga or nivritti marga. What is pravritti marga? It is to engage with the world and, through that, purify oneself by performing rituals and leading a virtuous life. What is nivritti marga? It is to dissociate from the world—Vedanta marga.

The problem with pravritti marga is that it is focused on paraloka. It will give you a lot of good in the next world but may not handle your issues at present. Nivritti marga will enable you to ignore your problems. It will give you peace but not that paramananda.

Bhagawata Dharma, which starts with listening to Srimad Bhagawata, will give you all these. Currently, you don’t have to wait for a future loka or a future birth. It will eliminate your problems at all three levels—adhyatmika, adhi bhautika, and adhi daivika.

Adhyatmika means problems that you have created for yourself by acquiring wrong knowledge, developing wrong attitudes, and perspectives. Adhi bhautika are physical problems, such as health issues and wealth issues—real problems. Adhi daivika are supernatural, such as curses, pitrukopa, planetary effects, and karmic effects. Listening to Bhagawata will remove, from the roots, all these three.

Anything that is written by a person will get influenced by the extent of his knowledge, his cultural and regional background, family background, his attitude, and perspective. Anything written by a human being cannot be defect-free.

But Srimad Bhagawata is not even written by Sage Vyasa; it manifested through Sage Vyasa, in his state of samadhi. There is no human element in Bhagawata, except at a few places, which are quite distinct. Most of Bhagawata is Samadhi Bhasha, not Laukika Bhasha.

The term mahamuni krite points towards this. Kim vaa paraihi—when such a simple, perfect, effective method is there, what is the use of other shastras?

Mantra Shastra is indirect. Even living in holy places, there is no guarantee that Bhagawan will enter your heart. There are atheists living in holy places. Bhagawata is a sure-shot method. It is a fast method through which Bhagawan quickly enters into you, into your heart, and into your mind. He enters into you instantly, as soon as you listen to Bhagawata.

Two qualities are needed in the listener—krititva and shushrusha. Krititva means intelligence. Shushrusha means interest. For people with interest and intelligence, there is no better method. There is no faster method. There is no other result-yielding method. There is no other complete method.




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