शालग्रामशिलायां यो मूल्यमुद्घाटयेन्नरः ।
विक्रेता चानुमन्ता च यः परीक्षामुदीरयेत् ॥
सर्व्वे ते नरकं यान्ति यावदाहूतसंप्लवम् ।
अतः संवर्जयेद्विप्र चक्रस्य क्रयविक्रयम् ॥
Says Skanda Purana.
He who puts a price to Shaligrama, its examiner, seller or facilitator, all such people go to hell and stay there till pralaya.
Do not buy or sell the sacred Shaligrama.
Shaligrama should be obtained through rightful and respectful means, not through buying or selling. Here are the proper ways:
Durdama was the son of a Gandharva named Vishwavasu. Once, he was enjoying himself in a lake near Kailasa along with thousands of his wives. Sage Vasishta, who was observing tapas there, got annoyed and cursed him. As a result, he became a Rakshasa. His wives pleaded with Vasishta for mercy. Vasishta said that Durdama would become a Gandharva again after 17 years with the grace of Lord Vishnu. Later, when Durdama was trying to swallow Galava Muni, he was beheaded by Lord Vishnu and regained his original form. The moral of the story is that actions have consequences, but redemption is possible through compassion and divine grace.
Staying away from himsa is called ahimsa. To hurt someone or some being through deeds, words, or even thinking about hurting is himsa. Himsa is done due to greed, rage, or a false presumption that you are doing the right thing. Himsa is perpetrated by oneself or through someone else. Closing your eyes towards himsa when you have the power to interfere is also himsa. The gravity of himsa can be mild, medium, or intense. Staying away from all these twenty-seven types of himsa is ahimsa.
Shloka 23. Chapter 2
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