ॐ नमो नृसिंहाय ज्वालामुखाग्निनेत्राय शङ्खचक्रगदाप्रहस्ताय । योगरूपाय हिरण्यकशिपुच्छेदनान्त्रमालाविभूषणाय हन हन दह दह वच वच रक्ष वो
नृसिंहाय पूर्वदिशां बन्ध बन्ध रौद्रनृसिंहाय दक्षिणदिशां बन्ध बन्ध
पावननृसिंहाय पश्चिमदिशां बन्ध बन्ध दारुणनृसिंहाय उत्तरदिशां बन्ध बन्ध
ज्वालानृसिंहाय आकाशदिशां बन्ध बन्ध लक्ष्मीनृसिंहाय पातालदिशां बन्ध बन्ध
कः कः कम्पय कम्पय आवेशय आवेशय अवतारय अवतारय शीघ्रं शीघ्रम् ॥
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय नवकोटिदेवग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय अष्टकोटिगन्धर्वग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय सप्तकोटिकिन्नरग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय षट्कोटिशाकिनीग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय पञ्चकोटिपन्नगग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय चतुष्कोटिब्रह्मराक्षसग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय द्विकोटिदनुजग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय एककोटिग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय अरिमुरिचोरराक्षसजितिः वारं वारम् । स्त्रीभयचोरभयव्याधिभयसकलभयकण्टकान् विध्वंसय विध्वंसय ।
शरणागतवज्रपञ्जराय विश्वहृदयाय प्रह्लादवरदाय क्ष्रौं श्रीं नृसिंहाय स्वाहा ।
ॐ नमो नृसिंहाय ज्वालामुखाग्निनेत्राय शङ्खचक्रगदाप्रहस्ताय ।
योगरूपाय हिरण्यकशिपुच्छेदनान्त्रमालाविभूषणाय हन हन दह दह वच वच रक्ष वो ।
Salutations to Lord Narasimha, whose face shines like fire and whose eyes burn like flames.
He holds the conch, discus, and mace in his hands. He is of the form of divine yoga, adorned with a garland made of Hiranyakashipu's intestines. Destroy, destroy! Burn, burn! Protect us, O Lord.
नृसिंहाय पूर्वदिशां बन्ध बन्ध रौद्रनृसिंहाय दक्षिणदिशां बन्ध बन्ध
पावननृसिंहाय पश्चिमदिशां बन्ध बन्ध दारुणनृसिंहाय उत्तरदिशां बन्ध बन्ध ।
To Lord Narasimha of the East, bind and control.
To the fierce Lord Narasimha of the South, bind and control.
To the pure Lord Narasimha of the West, bind and control.
To the terrifying Lord Narasimha of the North, bind and control.
ज्वालानृसिंहाय आकाशदिशां बन्ध बन्ध लक्ष्मीनृसिंहाय पातालदिशां बन्ध बन्ध ।
To the fiery Lord Narasimha of the sky, bind and control.
To Lord Narasimha with Lakshmi, who rules the netherworld, bind and control.
कः कः कम्पय कम्पय आवेशय आवेशय अवतारय अवतारय शीघ्रं शीघ्रम् ॥
Shake them, shake them! Enter them, enter them!
Descend, descend! Quickly, quickly!
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय नवकोटिदेवग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
Salutations to Lord Narasimha, who dispels the influence of nine crore planetary deities.
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय अष्टकोटिगन्धर्वग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
Salutations to Lord Narasimha, who dispels the influence of eight crore Gandharvas.
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय सप्तकोटिकिन्नरग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
Salutations to Lord Narasimha, who dispels the influence of seven crore Kinnaras.
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय षट्कोटिशाकिनीग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
Salutations to Lord Narasimha, who dispels the influence of six crore Shakini spirits.
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय पञ्चकोटिपन्नगग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
Salutations to Lord Narasimha, who dispels the influence of five crore snakes.
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय चतुष्कोटिब्रह्मराक्षसग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
Salutations to Lord Narasimha, who dispels the influence of four crore Brahmarakshasas.
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय द्विकोटिदनुजग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
Salutations to Lord Narasimha, who dispels the influence of two crore demons.
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय एककोटिग्रहोच्चाटनाय ।
Salutations to Lord Narasimha, who dispels the influence of one crore evil planets.
ॐ नमो नारसिंहाय अरिमुरिचोरराक्षसजितिः वारं वारम् ।
स्त्रीभयचोरभयव्याधिभयसकलभयकण्टकान् विध्वंसय विध्वंसय ।
Salutations to Lord Narasimha, who defeats enemies, thieves, and demons, again and again. Destroy, destroy all fears - fear of evil women, thieves, diseases, and all other dangers.
शरणागतवज्रपञ्जराय विश्वहृदयाय प्रह्लादवरदाय क्ष्रौं श्रीं नृसिंहाय स्वाहा ।
To the one who provides a protective armor to those who surrender to him,
who is the heart of the universe, the boon-giver to Prahlada, I offer my salutations to Lord Narasimha.
om namo nri'simhaaya jvaalaamukhaagninetraaya shankhachakragadaaprahastaaya . yogaroopaaya hiranyakashipuchchhedanaantramaalaavibhooshanaaya hana hana daha daha vacha vacha raksha vo
nri'simhaaya poorvadishaam bandha bandha raudranri'simhaaya dakshinadishaam bandha bandha
paavananri'simhaaya pashchimadishaam bandha bandha daarunanri'simhaaya uttaradishaam bandha bandha
jvaalaanri'simhaaya aakaashadishaam bandha bandha lakshmeenri'simhaaya paataaladishaam bandha bandha
kah' kah' kampaya kampaya aaveshaya aaveshaya avataaraya avataaraya sheeghram sheeghram ..
om namo naarasimhaaya navakot'idevagrahochchaat'anaaya .
om namo naarasimhaaya asht'akot'igandharvagrahochchaat'anaaya .
om namo naarasimhaaya saptakot'ikinnaragrahochchaat'anaaya .
om namo naarasimhaaya shat'kot'ishaakineegrahochchaat'anaaya .
om namo naarasimhaaya panchakot'ipannagagrahochchaat'anaaya .
om namo naarasimhaaya chatushkot'ibrahmaraakshasagrahochchaat'anaaya .
om namo naarasimhaaya dvikot'idanujagrahochchaat'anaaya .
om namo naarasimhaaya ekakot'igrahochchaat'anaaya .
om namo naarasimhaaya arimurichoraraakshasajitih' vaaram vaaram . streebhayachorabhayavyaadhibhayasakalabhayakant'akaan vidhvamsaya vidhvamsaya .
sharanaagatavajrapanjaraaya vishvahri'dayaaya prahlaadavaradaaya kshraum shreem nri'simhaaya svaahaa .
A verse from Tirumanthiram by Tirumulaṛ highlights the oneness of God, stating that there is only one God for the entire world, who is also the soul or essence of the world. The name 'Shiva,' refers to this one God, and it signifies Truth, Infinite Wisdom, and unbounded Grace. It emphasizes the unity and universal nature of the divine.
The universe exists only as long as Brahma is awake. It dissolves back into Brahman when Brahma sleeps.
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