Jaya Durga Homa for Success - 22, January

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Yudhishtira's Questions To Bheeshma

Bheeshmacharya gives chanting of Vishnu Sahasra Nama as an answer to Yudhishtira's questions. Do you know what were these questions? Watch this video to learn.



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Every morning I wake up expecting something really good on Vedadhara group. Never disappointed. Joining this group s a blesssing.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 -Srivatsan

Life transforming -Mithun

There is a lot difference and improvement in various aspects of life, after I associated myself with Vedadhara and their activities. So much of positivity, sensitivity, patience and prosperity have entered my life. My heartfelt gratitude for all your invaluable efforts in helping me attain all of this. 🙏🏻 -user_h8kxy

Very helpful thank for giving an opportunity to improve our spiritual life -User_spwrfd

🙏🙏🙏 -Geetha Raman

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Knowledge Bank

On the banks of which river is Ayodhya?

Ayodhya is on the banks of the famous Sarayu river. Sarayu is also known as Ghaghara.

What Bhagawatam says on facing hardships

A true devotee would undergo hardships and difficult times with a calm mind. He is convinced that the hardships are opportunities given by the Almighty to understand the real nature of the world. He would remember the teachings of the Shastras to remain firm on the face of calamities.(Bhagavatam 10.88.8-10)


What was the name of Yudhishtira when he was staying with King Virata during ajnata vasa ?


Vishnu Sahasranama

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