Why You Should Listen to Bhagavata And Not Read

This audio tells you about how listening gives better results in spirituality rather than reading.

Why You Should Listen to Bhagavata And Not Read

In all three—Karma Marga, Jnana Marga, and Bhakti Marga—listening is important, not reading. All karmas, the Karmakanda, are mentioned in the Vedas. The procedures and mantras of all yajnas are given in the Vedas. Even for those not mentioned in the Vedas, the Vedas are the basis. Vedas are always taught orally, never by reading out of a book.

The guru chants, and the shishya repeats after him, not with the help of books. In traditional gurukulas, you won’t even find books, strictly speaking. Sometimes, they use books only for reference, not for teaching.

In the Jnana Marga, the Upanishad says: listen first, then meditate upon it, then remember it again and again. The first step is listening. Here also, not reading. Listening is more powerful. You know that. Listen to a song and then read the lyrics of the song—are they the same? When someone speaks, his or her bhava also gets conveyed to the listener. This is not there in reading.

A good speaker can bring interest to the listener, encourage the listener, and motivate the listener. The first Soota, Romaharshana or Lomaharshana, got this name because, upon listening to him, the audience used to get goosebumps—'Loma Harshana' or 'Roma Harshana.'

In the Bhakti Marga, Bhagavan says:
मद्गुणश्रुतिमात्रेण मयि सर्वगुहाशये
मनोगतिरविच्छिन्ना यथा गङ्गाम्भसोऽम्बुधौ

Only upon hearing about my glory, the mind of the listener starts flowing towards me, like how Ganga flows towards the ocean. This is natural. Here also, it is Shruti—listening—not Pathana, reading.

The experience of reading and the experience of listening are completely different. The best and easiest way to bring the Lord to your heart is through listening—listening to his stories, listening to his glory.

Narada Bhakti Sutra also says:
लोकेऽपि गुणश्रवण कीर्तनात्
Listen to his glory from others; tell about his glory to others.

Everybody has got adhikara to listen to stories. Don’t think adhikara is a right; adhikara is more of eligibility. For example, after learning Veda, you get adhikara to learn Vedangas like Jyotisha, Kalpa, and Nirukta. Otherwise, you will not know what this is all about.

In the case of stories, everyone has got adhikara—even sanyasis. Most things are forbidden for sanyasis, but they can listen to katha, and they do this. Even jeevan muktas listen to the glory of the Lord:
मुक्त अपि लीलया विग्रहं कृत्वा भजन्ते
Listen to the glory of the Lord, a little bit every day. It will transform your life. Your life will change completely. Your problems will get sorted out on their own.

The Lord has blessed us with so much. Today, you don’t have to go anywhere looking for katha. To listen to katha, they come to you—on your mobile phone, on your devices, on your PC. They come looking for you. Listen a little bit every day. Allow the divinity to get into you and take roots in your heart. All your problems will go away. Peace and happiness will come into your life.




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