Makara Sankranti Special - Surya Homa for Wisdom - 14, January

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Vrinda: The Presiding Goddess of Vrindavan

Vrinda: The Presiding Goddess of Vrindavan

The presiding deity of Vrindavan is 'Vrinda.' It is said that Vrinda Devi's temple was located at the Seva Kunj site. Even today, there are small, dense groves (kunj) here. This beautiful forest, surrounded by the delightful and diverse Seva Kunj and Keli Kunj served by Shri Vrinda Devi, is named Vrindavan. Vrinda Devi always resides here. She is the protector, caretaker, and forest goddess of Shri Vrindavan. The trees, vines, animals, and birds of Vrindavan are all under her command and control. Under the authority of Shri Vrinda Devi, countless gopis are constantly engaged in the service of the groves. Therefore, she is the presiding deity of grove service.

It is the work of Yogamaya to manage the completeness of pastimes in the forests and the cowsheds. The lila incarnation of this Yogamaya is Pournamasiji. On the other hand, Vrinda Devi organizes Radha-Krishna's grove pastimes and their rasa pastimes. Vrinda Devi’s father’s name is Chandrabhanu, her mother’s name is Phullara Gopi, and her husband’s name is Mahipal. She always resides in Vrindavan. Vrinda is the foremost among the messenger companions such as Vrindarika, Maina, and Murali. She is the forest goddess of Vrindavan and the special form of Shri Krishna's pastime power (lila shakti).

Vrinda has dedicated the kingdom of Vrindavan, which she served and nurtured, to the lotus feet of Vrishabhanu Nandini Radhika. Hence, Radhika herself is Vrindavaneshwari (the queen of Vrindavan).



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Importance of Narmada river

Taking bath in Saraswati river continuously for 5 days purifies you. Yamuna purifies in 7 days. Ganga purifies instantly. But merely by looking at Narmada, one is purified. - Matsya Purana.

Is baby shower and Seemantham same?

A baby shower in western culture is a party given in honor of an expectant mother. Seemantham is prenatal samskara performed in Hinduism for the protection and well-being of the expectant mother and her child. Seematham involves mantras and rituals.


Which among the following rivers which is presntly not in India finds mention in the Rigveda ?


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