When you set out to go somewhere, if you happen to see an elephant or a bull or hear the sound of a horse or peacock, then your task will be successful.
चक्रायुधस्य नामानि सदा सर्वत्र कीर्तयेत्। नाशौचं कीर्तने तस्य पवित्रं भगवान् हरिः। - The Holy Names of Lord Vishnu can be sung at all times and places. There is no question of impurity for this kirtana (chanting) of the Lord who is always holy. There is no restriction on time, place, or purity for worshipping the Lord, as He is always pure. This highlights that one can always recite the names of Krishna, Govinda, and Hari, regardless of the situation or one's state of purity. Rrishis affirm that the Lord is not tainted by the worshipper’s purity or impurity. Instead, the Lord purifies the worshipper and accepts them, showcasing His supreme sanctity.
In a forest, there lived a donkey who convinced his fellow animals that the color of a mango was blue. They all believed him and praised him for his intelligence. A tiger overheard their conversation. The tiger appeared and mocked the donkey, claiming that he didn't even know the color of a mango. The tiger tried to convince the other animals not to trust the donkey, calling him the most foolish one in the forest. The tiger asked - 'Are you all fools? Don't you all know that the colour of a mango is yellow? Donkey and tiger got into a heated argument that lasted for hours. All the other animal....
In a forest, there lived a donkey who convinced his fellow animals that the color of a mango was blue. They all believed him and praised him for his intelligence. A tiger overheard their conversation. The tiger appeared and mocked the donkey, claiming that he didn't even know the color of a mango. The tiger tried to convince the other animals not to trust the donkey, calling him the most foolish one in the forest. The tiger asked - 'Are you all fools? Don't you all know that the colour of a mango is yellow? Donkey and tiger got into a heated argument that lasted for hours. All the other animals in the forest, including the rabbit, giraffe, deer, bear, wolf, elephant, and monkey, gathered around to listen. Despite their efforts, the donkey and tiger couldn't come to an agreement. So, the animals decided to seek the wisdom of the forest's king, the Lion. They all went to the Lion. The donkey claimed that the mango is blue, while the tiger insisted it is yellow. The Lion, praised the donkey as intelligent, sided with him and banished the tiger from the forest as punishment. The other animals left, leaving the confused tiger alone. The donkey had been spreading false information, while the tiger had spoken the truth. When the lion punished the tiger instead of the donkey, the tiger questioned the lion's decision, asking why he was being punished for telling the truth. In a fable, a wise Lion imparted some valuable advice to a Tiger about arguing with fools. The Lion acknowledged that the Donkey was a fool, but argued that trying to convince a fool with logic and reason was a futile endeavor. The Lion believed that arguing with a fool only made the arguer look foolish themselves. The Tiger took this lesson to heart and decided to stop wasting his time arguing with fools.
Thondaradipodi Azhwar
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Lakshmi Dwadasa Nama Stotram
shreeh' padmaa kamalaa mukundamahishee lakshmeestrilokeshvaree maa ksheeraabdhisutaa virinchijananee vidyaa sarojaasanaa. sarvaabheesht'aphalapradeti ....
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