Pushed Out, Yet Concerned For Their Welfare

Pushed Out, Yet Concerned For Their Welfare

यैर्निरस्तोऽभवं लुब्धैः पुत्रदारादिभिर्धनैः
तेषु किं भवतस्स्नेहमनुबध्नाति मानसम्

'Why are you still attached to those greedy people? They threw you out. Why is your mind still attached to them? Why are you still having affection towards them?' Suratha asked the trader.

वैश्य उवाच
एवमेतद्यथा प्राह भवानस्मद्गतं वचः
किं करोमि, न बध्नाति मम निष्ठुरतां मनः
यैः सन्त्यज्य पितृस्नेहं धनलुब्धैर्निराकृतः
पतिस्वजनहार्दं च हार्दितेष्वेव मे मनः

'I don’t know. What you are saying is correct, but still, my heart is with them. I know they are greedy, they have no regard for their father, no affection towards their father, my wife doesn’t have any love for me, they have all become greedy. But still, I can’t make my mind hard; my heart is still there with them.'

किमेतन्नाभिजानामि जानन्नपि महामते
यत्प्रेमप्रवणं चित्तं विगुणेष्वपि बन्धुषु
तेषां कृते मे निःश्वासो दौर्मनस्यं च जायते
करोमि किं यन्न मनस्तेष्वप्रीतिषु निष्ठुरम्

'I can’t understand myself. Why am I feeling like this? I know they are worthless as wife and children, but I heave heavy sighs for them, worrying about them. Why is this so (न अभिजानामि)? I am not able to understand. I know they only deserve my hatred, but still, I am not able to do that. What can I do? I know they have no feeling towards me, but my mind doesn’t become cruel; I have no hatred for them.'

मार्कण्डेय उवाच
Sage Markandeya said:

ततस्तौ सहितौ विप्र तं मुनिं समुपस्थितौ
समाधिर्नाम वैश्योऽसौ स च पार्थिवसत्तमः

Markandeya is telling Jaimini, the listener. The term Vipra is used to address Jaimini. King Suratha and the trader Samadhi both went together to Sage Medhas.

कृत्वा तौ यथान्यायं यथार्हं तेन संविदम्
उपविष्टौ कथाः काश्चिच्चक्रतुर्वैश्यपार्थिवौ

They both paid due respects to the Muni Medhas, sat down in front of him, and began speaking.



Devi Mahatmyam

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