मातर्भञ्जय मे विपक्षवदनं जिह्वाञ्चलं कीलय ।
ब्राह्मीं मुद्रय मुद्रयाशु धिषमङ्घ्र्योर्गतिं स्तम्भय ।
शत्रूंश्चूर्णयाशु गदया गौराङ्गि पीताम्बरे ।
विघ्नौघं बगले हर प्रणमतां कारुण्यपूर्णेक्षणे ।
maatarbhanjaya me vipakshavadanam' jihvaanchalam' keelaya .
braahmeem' mudraya mudrayaashu dhishamanghryorgatim' stambhaya .
shatroom'shchoornayaashu gadayaa gauraangi peetaambare .
vighnaugham' bagale hara pranamataam' kaarunyapoornekshane .
O Mother, destroy the enemies' faces and paralyze their tongues. Freeze their speech quickly paralyze their movement.
Word-by-Word Meaning: मातः (Mother), भञ्जय (destroy), मे (my), विपक्षवदनं (enemies' faces), जिह्वाञ्चलं (tongue), कीलय (paralyze)। ब्राह्मीं (speech), मुद्रय (freeze), मुद्रय (engrave), आशु (quickly), धिषमङ्घ्र्योर्गतिं (their movement), स्तम्भय (paralyze)।
Crush the enemies quickly with your mace, O fair one dressed in yellow. O Bagala, remove all obstacles for those who bow to you with compassionate eyes.
Word-by-Word Meaning: शत्रूं (enemies), चूर्णय (crush), आशु (quickly), गदया (with your mace), गौराङ्गि (fair one), पीताम्बरे (dressed in yellow)। विघ्नौघं (obstacles), बगले (O Bagala), हर (remove), प्रणमतां (for those who bow), कारुण्यपूर्णेक्षणे (with compassionate eyes)।
Listening to this Mantra invokes the Goddess Bagalamukhi's protection, paralyzes adversaries, and removes obstacles, granting devotees peace and success.
Shiva who is one among the Trimurthys is responsible for the elimination of the universe at the end of its lifespan. He is also the God of destruction of evil powers. He is also associated with knowledge, healing, health, fertility, protection, and yoga.
According Sri Karpatri Swamiji, an authority in Ramayana and author of Ramayana Meemasa, Adhyatma Ramayana is authentic. He considers two more versions of Ramayana as authentic - Valmiki Ramayana, and Ananda Ramayana.
Cheta Sri Balakrishnam
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