ॐ आसत्येन रजसा वर्तमानो निवेशयन्नमृतं मर्त्यं च । हिरण्ययेन सविता रथेनाऽऽदेवो याति भुवना विपश्यन्।
Meaning: The divine Savita, traveling through the realms with his golden chariot, illuminates both the mortal and immortal worlds by his presence and power.
अग्निं दूतं वृणीमहे होतारं विश्ववेदसम् । अस्य यज्ञस्य सुक्रतुम् ॥
Meaning: We choose Agni as our messenger, the knower of all knowledge, the one who expertly conducts this sacrifice.
येषामीशे पशुपतिः पशूनां चतुष्पदामुत च द्विपदाम् । निष्क्रीतोऽयं यज्ञियं भागमेतु रायस्पोषा यजमानस्य सन्तु ॥
Meaning: Lord Pashupati, the ruler of all four-legged and two-legged creatures, is invoked. May this sacrificial offering reach Him, and may the yajamana be blessed with wealth and prosperity.
ॐ अधिदेवता प्रत्यधिदेवता सहिताय आदित्याय नमः ॥
Meaning: We offer our salutations to Aditya, along with his associated deities and sub-deities.
ॐ आप्यायस्व समेतु ते विश्वतस्सोम वृष्णियम् । भवा वाजस्य सङ्गथे॥
Meaning: O Soma, may you strengthen and nourish us from all directions. May you bring vigor and abundance to our assembly.
अप्सुमे सोमो अब्रवीदन्तर्विश्वानि भेषजा । अग्निञ्च विश्वशम्भुवमापश्च विश्वभेषजीः ।
Meaning: Soma declares from within the waters, bringing forth all medicines. Agni, the all-encompassing, and the waters, the universal healers, are also invoked.
गौरी मिमाय सलिलानि तक्षत्येकपदी द्विपदी सा चतुष्पदी । अष्टापदी नवपदी बभूवुषी सहस्राक्षरा परमे व्योमन् ।
Meaning: Gauri, the divine cow, shaped the waters. She takes various forms: one-footed, two-footed, four-footed, eight-footed, and nine-footed, expanding into infinite forms in the highest heavens.
ॐ अधिदेवता प्रत्यधिदेवता सहिताय सोमाय नमः ॥
Meaning: We offer our salutations to Soma, along with his associated deities and sub-deities.
ॐ अग्निर्मूर्द्धा दिवः ककुत्पतिः पृथिव्या अयम् । अपाꣳ रेताꣳसि जिन्वति ।
Meaning: Agni is the head of the heavens, the ruler of the earth, and he kindles life in the waters.
स्योना पृथिवि भवाऽनृक्षरा निवेशनि । यच्छानश्शर्म सप्रथाः ।
Meaning: O Earth, be soft and free of obstacles. Let your shelter be vast and comforting.
क्षेत्रस्य पतिना वयꣳहिते नेव जयामसि । गामश्वं पोषयिन्त्वा स नो मृडातीदृशे ॥
Meaning: With the lord of the field (Earth), we align ourselves. Let cattle and horses prosper and provide us with protection.
ॐ अधिदेवता प्रत्यधिदेवता सहिताय अङ्गारकाय नमः ॥
Meaning: We offer our salutations to Angaraka (Mars), along with his associated deities and sub-deities.
ॐ उद्बुध्यस्वाग्ने प्रतिजागृह्येनमिष्टापूर्ते सꣳसृजेथामयञ्च। पुनः कृण्वꣳस्त्वा पितरं युवानमन्वताआꣳसीत्वयि तन्तुमेतम् ॥
Meaning: Awaken, O Agni, and rise again to fulfill both desires and duties. Revive yourself, like a youthful father, and continue this eternal bond with the universe.
इदं विष्णुर्विचक्रमे त्रेधा निदधे पदम् । समूढमस्यपाꣳ सुरे ॥
Meaning: Vishnu took three great steps, establishing his presence in the heavens, and stabilizing the universe.
विष्णो रराटमसि विष्णोः पृष्ठमसि विष्णोश्श्नप्त्रेस्थो विष्णोस्स्यूरसि विष्णोर्ध्रुवमसि वैष्णवमसि विष्णवे त्वा ।
Meaning: You are the joy of Vishnu, you belong to his abode. You are Vishnu's eternal essence, the unshakable force of his divine presence.
ॐ अधिदेवता प्रत्यधिदेवता सहिताय बुधाय नमः ॥
Meaning: We offer our salutations to Budha (Mercury), along with his associated deities and sub-deities.
ॐ बृहस्पते अतियदर्यो अर्हाद्द्युमद्विभाति क्रतुमज्जनेषु । यद्दिदयच्चवसर्तप्रजात तदस्मासु द्रविणन्धेहि चित्रम् ॥
Meaning: O Brihaspati, most radiant and intelligent among all, you shine through wisdom in mankind. Bestow upon us the prosperity that comes from righteous deeds.
इन्द्रमरुत्व इह पाहि सोमं यथा शार्याते अपिबस्सुतस्य। तव प्रणीती तव शूरशर्मन्नाविवासन्ति कवयसुयज्ञाः ॥
Meaning: O Indra, protector of the Soma, as you once drank in the Sharyata sacrifice, may your power protect us, and may the wise continue their sacrifices.
ब्रह्मजज्ञानं प्रथमं पुरस्ताद्विसीमतस्सुरुचो वेन आवः । सबुध्निया उपमा अस्य विष्ठास्सतश्च योनिमसतश्च विवः
Meaning: Brahma was the first to be born before all. The shining Vena (wisdom) emerged from him, giving rise to both the manifest and the unmanifest worlds.
ॐ अधिदेवता प्रत्यधिदेवता सहिताय बृहस्पतये नमः ॥
Meaning: We offer our salutations to Brihaspati (Jupiter), along with his associated deities and sub-deities.
ॐ प्रवश्शुक्राय भानवे भरध्वम् । हव्यं मतिं चाग्नये सुपूतम् ॥
Meaning: We make offerings to Shukra (Venus), the bright and radiant one. Our minds and sacred fire are pure and ready.
यो दैव्यानि मानुषा जनूꣳषि । अन्तर्विश्वानि विद्म ना जिगाति ॥
Meaning: He knows all divine and human generations. He understands everything in the universe.
इन्द्राणीमासु नारिषु सुपत्नीमहमश्रवम् । न ह्यस्या अपरञ्चन जरसा मरते पतिः ॥
Meaning: I heard that among women, Indrani is the ideal wife. Her husband will never die of old age.
इन्द्रं वो विश्वतस्परि हवामहे जनेभ्यः । अस्माकमस्तु केवलः ॥
Meaning: We invoke Indra, the lord of all, among people. May he be solely ours.
ॐ अधिदेवता प्रत्यधिदेवता सहिताय शुक्राय नमः ॥
Meaning: We offer our salutations to Shukra (Venus), along with his associated deities and sub-deities.
ॐ शन्नो देवीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये । शंयोरभिस्रवन्तु नः ॥
Meaning: May the waters, blessed by the divine, be sweet and nourishing for us, flowing with well-being.
प्रजापते न त्वदेतान्यन्यो विश्वा जातानि परिता बभूव । यत्कामास्ते जुहुमस्तन्नो अस्तु वयꣳस्याम पतयो रयीणाम् ॥
Meaning: O Prajapati, none other than you surrounds all creation. May our desires be fulfilled as we offer to you, and may we become masters of prosperity.
इमं यमप्रस्तरमाहि सीदाऽङ्गिरोभिः पितृभिस्संविदानः । आत्वा मन्त्राः कविशस्ता वहन्त्वेना राजन् हविषा मादयस्व॥
Meaning: O Yama, sit upon this sacred seat, surrounded by the Angirases and ancestors. Let the wise carry forth the mantras, and may you, O King, be pleased by this offering.
ॐ अधिदेवता प्रत्यधिदेवता सहिताय शनैश्चराय नमः ॥
Meaning: We offer our salutations to Shani (Saturn), along with his associated deities and sub-deities.
ॐ कया नश्चित्र आभुवदूती सदावृधस्सखा। कया शचिष्ठया वृता ।
Meaning: Which divine messenger, ever-growing and friendly, has come to us, and by which power is she chosen?
आऽयङ्गौः पृश्निरक्रमीदसनन्मातरं पुनः । पितरञ्च प्रयन्त्सुवः ।
Meaning: The spotted cow moves forward, returns to her mother, and seeks her father in the heavenly realms.
यत्ते देवी निरृतिराबबन्ध दाम ग्रीवास्वविचर्त्यम् ।
Meaning: O Goddess Nirriti, who binds with a noose around the neck, unbreakable and unavoidable.
इदन्ते तद्विष्याम्यायुषो न मध्यादथाजीवः पितुमद्धि प्रमुक्तः ॥
Meaning: I untie this for you from your life span, and now, living, you are freed from the noose of death.
ॐ अधिदेवता प्रत्यधिदेवता सहिताय राहवे नमः ॥
Meaning: We offer our salutations to Rahu, along with his associated deities and sub-deities.
ॐ केतुङ्कृण्वन्नकेतवे पेशो मर्या अपेशसे । समुषद्भिरजायथाः ॥
Meaning: May you create brightness for the bright and unmask the masked. You rise with light and radiance.
ब्रह्मा देवानां पदवीः कवीनामृषिर्विप्राणां महिषो मृगाणाम् । श्येनोगृध्राणाꣳस्वधितिर्वनानाꣳ सोमः पवित्रमत्येति रेभन्।
Meaning: Brahma is the path of the gods, the seer among sages, the mighty among men and animals, the eagle among vultures. Soma purifies all things as it flows, filling all beings with vigor.
सचित्र चित्रं चितयन्तमस्मे चित्रक्षत्र चित्रतमं वयोधाम् । चन्द्रं रयिं पुरुवीरम् बृहन्तं चन्द्रचन्द्राभिर्गृणते युवस्व ॥
Meaning: We meditate upon the many-colored, the great leader, the one who controls the universe. May we obtain brilliant riches and manifold prosperity under his radiant guidance.
ॐ अधिदेवता प्रत्यधिदेवता सहितेभ्यः केतुभ्यो नमः ॥
Meaning: We offer our salutations to the celestial Ketu, along with his associated deities and sub-deities.
Primarily - Isha Upanishad and Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. There are a few more lesser known Upanishads - Jabala Upanishad, Hamsa Upanishad, Subala Upanishad, Mantrika Upanishad, Trisikhi-Brahmana Upanishad, Mandala-Brahmana Upanishad, Turiyatita-Avadhuta Upanishad, Satyayani Upanishad.
We perceive the world as many objects and beings different from each other. In Brahman, there is no duality. Brahman is achieved when all dualistic thoughts and perceptions disappear from the mind. This can be attained through the paths of bhakti, jnana, or karma.
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