Special - Aghora Rudra Homa for protection - 14, September

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This discourse tells you about- 1.The real nature and power of Indra. 2. The different strata of the universe.



Spectacular! 🌟🙏🙏🌹 -Aryan Sonwani

I am very pleased with ur knowledge n mantra lots of change in my life ji 🙏🙏🌻🌹🌹🌻 -Muralikrishnan

Thanks preserving and sharing our rich heritage! 👏🏽🌺 -Saurav Garg

Beautiful and crisp and thought-provoking talk. Thanks Guruji.💐 -Gautam Mohan

Not only in India🇮🇳 Veddhara is also famous here in Nepal🇳🇵 -Prakash Thapa

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Knowledge Bank

Who is the guardian of the East?

Indra is the guardian (Lokapala) of the East.

What does Indra mean?

Indra means most powerful and prosperous - इदि परमैश्वर्ये।


What is the name of the Indra of the current Manvantara?

Mahabharata will make you realize one supreme truth- एकं सद्विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति. There is only one, one and only one supreme truth which scholars call by different names:Krishna, Rama, Indra, Ganesha, Surya, Devi. Here, this is a stuti about Indra. Western Indologists tell us that Indra lost his prominence in the Puranas and Itihasas. This is a lie. The context is that Vinata became Kadru's slave when she lost the bet. Kadru once told Vinata: take me to Ramane....

Mahabharata will make you realize one supreme truth- एकं सद्विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति.

There is only one, one and only one supreme truth which scholars call by different names:Krishna, Rama, Indra, Ganesha, Surya, Devi.

Here, this is a stuti about Indra.

Western Indologists tell us that Indra lost his prominence in the Puranas and Itihasas.

This is a lie.

The context is that Vinata became Kadru's slave when she lost the bet.

Kadru once told Vinata: take me to Ramaneeyaka, the abode of the Nagas.

The slave that she was, Vinata carried Kadru on her back and Garuda who was also present there carried the serpents, Kadru's sons on his back to Ramaneeyaka.

They were going through the sky.

Garuda was irritated with what he had to do.

He flew very close to the Sun.

The serpents on his back fainted due to the extreme heat.

That time, Kadru praised Indra with this stuti so that he would cause rains to cool down the serpents who were under heat stroke.

Understand one thing here.

Kadru may be evil, jealous of her sister, has tricked her into slavery but if she says a stuti then Indra has to oblige because Indra is neutral.

Indra doesn't have to think about the character of the person who is praising him.

All Vedic Gods are like that because they are primal energies.

If you know how to tap into them, then you can get anything you want, get anything done.

Who is Indra?

What is Indra?

Energy of Surya is called Indra.

Just pure energy which if you have the right method and tools, you can use for your benefit like electricity.

They are not personal Gods like Rama and Krishna.

They are just energies.

Meemasa Shastra says, you perform a yajna in the perfect way, there is no option for the Devas other than giving you the result.

It works like a scientific process.

Mix Hydrogen and Oxygen in the right way, water will be formed.

Kadru wants Indra to cause rains.

She addresses Indra as बलसूदन and नमुचिघ्न.

And universe has got five strata: Prithvi, Chandra-mandala, Surya-mandala, Parameshti, and Swayambhu.

This is particularly when we look at the combination of good and evil.

There can be variations also when you are looking at a certain different aspect.

Devas are the good.

Asuras are the evil.

The Asuri shakti at the level of Swayambhu, at the highest level is called Bala.

The Daivi shakti there are the Rishis.

At parameshti, positive are the forefathers and negative is अनिरुक्ततम.

In Surya-mandala, the positive are the Devas whose chief is Indra and the negative is Namuchi.

In Chandra-mandala, the positive are Gandharvas, negative Vritrasura.

Chandra stands for universal mind.

As long as the mind receives light from Surya, the right kind of knowledge, it stays positive.

But when the mind is not enlightened by knowledge, then as on the day of Amavasya, it turns dark.

Becomes Asuri in nature.

At the level of the earth, the positive are the humans and the negative सैंहिकेय.

There is continuous Devasura yuddha going on at all these five levels.

Indra destroys Bala at the level of Swayambhu.

So Kadru calls him Balasudana.

Balarati is another name of Indra having the same meaning.

At the level of Surya-mandala, he destroys Namuchi and hence called Namuchighna.

Earlier we had seen that Namuchi is bad disguised as good, ignorance disguised as knowledge.

Kadru is seeking Indra's help here because she wants rains.

It is the energy of Surya which causes evaporation of sea water and formation of clouds.

Isn't it the most efficient way to address the energy itself that causes formation of rain clouds?

But then rain clouds need to be moved to the place where it should rain.

That wind has to do.

Kadru says that wind is also under Indra's command because wind happens when there is a thermal gradient, a difference in temperature between two places.

Wind is caused by heat.

And heat, the energy of Surya is Indra.

Another phenomenon associated with rain clouds is lightning.

What is it again?

That is also Indra.

Kadru is not just jealous and dumb.

See her awareness.

She is not chanting a stotra somebody else has written.

She is the composer and using this she is tapping into Indra's limitless energy.

Then Kadru addresses Indra also as Vishnu, Soma, all the Devas.

And he is Time.

Time which is responsible for the worldly experience.

Indra is everything: the earth, the sky, the ocean.

The Rishis constantly praise him.

And offerings in yajnas are meant for him.

Agni in the yajna kunda is directly connected to Agni in the sky, which is Surya.

Offerings are made here on earth in Agni that is kindled.

In the sky continuous yajna happens.

Agni there is Surya and the offerings, Chandra.

That is why Chandra goes on becoming smaller and smaller in Krishna-paksha.

Ahutis are being offered with Chandra.

Chandra is Soma.

Soma yaga on earth is symbolic of the celestial yaga in the sky.

With this stuti, Kadru could tap into Indra's huge power.

Heavy downpour occured.

The serpents came out of heat stroke.

They were relieved and they all proceeded towards Ramaneeyaka.




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