Special - Saraswati Homa during Navaratri - 10, October

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How Garuda Became So Powerful

Only audio above. Video below.



❤️ this website❤️❤️ -Prema Menon

Very informative. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 -Dinesh. Mysore

You guys are doing great work for the revival of hinduism by supporting vedic gurukuls 🙏 -Abhinav Reddy

Are there any lectures available on "Yog Vashishtha" on this channel?? -ADWAIT VIVEK POTNIS

Vedadhara has brought so much positivity and peace into my life. Truly grateful! 🙏🏻 -Anish Kandoth

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Knowledge Bank

Who guards amrita in Swarga Loka?

As soon as amrita was obtained, Devas gave it to Lord Nara for safe custody. In Swarga Loka. Devas take turns to guard amrita. When Garuda attacked, it was Vishwakarma who was protecting amrita. The pot of amrita is kept in the middle of a rotating wheel with sharp teeth and is protected by two fierce serpents.

Was Yama once a mortal being?

Yes. According to the Vedas, Yama was the first person ever to die and became the lord of all the souls to die after him.


Who are the husbands of Apsaras?

When Garuda was about to attack Swargaloka to take away amrita, devaguru Brihaspati had told Indra that it was Indra's own arrogance and the tapas of Valakhilyas that were behind Garuda's birth. Let's see what this is. Kashyapa Prajapati was performing yajna to beget progeeny. It is through yajnas that Prajapatis create. So this is not something unusual. It is a standard procedure. Not that he didn't have children and did yajna as a remedy. For Prajapatis this is the standard procedure. The yajna was huge because a lot of creation....

When Garuda was about to attack Swargaloka to take away amrita, devaguru Brihaspati had told Indra that it was Indra's own arrogance and the tapas of Valakhilyas that were behind Garuda's birth.
Let's see what this is.
Kashyapa Prajapati was performing yajna to beget progeeny.
It is through yajnas that Prajapatis create.
So this is not something unusual.
It is a standard procedure.
Not that he didn't have children and did yajna as a remedy.
For Prajapatis this is the standard procedure.
The yajna was huge because a lot of creation had to take place.
Devas, Rishis - they were all assisting in this yajna.
Indra, some other Devatas, and the Valakhilyas - the tiny-sized Rishis - they were all told to get firewood.
Firewood used in yajna is called idhma.
Indra is strong and very powerful.
He brought a bundle of firewood as huge as a mountain.
Valakhilyas are tiny.
Their size is one-third of the thumb.
It was these Valakhilyas who were hanging down the branch of the tree which broke when Garuda sat on it and held it with his beak.
Valakhilyas are so tiny that it is difficult for them to cross even a small puddle.
They never ate.
There was no strength in their body.
Their shakti was tapashakti.
But they were doing their part.
All of them together were carrying one small hair-like piece of firewood.
That too struggling.
Indra found this funny.
He laughed at them when he went past them.
The Valakhilyas were enraged.
They started a homa with the desire to create a second Indra.
Indra should become scared of this new Indra.
He should be 100 times more powerful and he should have the power to go wherever he wants.
At the speed of the mind.
Indra became very upset upon hearing this.
He went to Kashyapa Prajapati.
Kashyapa asked Valakhilyas - are you doing anything like this?
Yes, we are.
But please understand that Indra's position is given to him by Brahma.
If you create another Indra, then you will be going against Brahma's wish.
Please don't do that but whatever you have done, that should also not become fruitless.
So this new Indra that you wish to create who will be very powerful, let him be the Indra the king of birds.
Indra has come to you begging for your forgiveness.
Please pardon him.
Valakhilyas said: we have done this to create a new Indra and you are doing yajna to beget progeny.
We will hand over the result of our karma to you.
You do whatever you deem fit.
This was the time Vinata approached Kashyapa and told her desire to have two powerful sons.
He said the tapas of the Valakhilyas, the result of their tapas, and my desire to have progeny together will become your pregnancy and result in the birth of two powerful sons.
They both together will be the kings of birds then Kashyapa told Indra: you don't have to be scared of them, they will be favorable towards you.
But hereafter never insult noble Brahmavadis.
Brahmavadis means those who have mantra shakti, those who know mantras.
Never get arrogant and insult them because their mantras are like thunderbolts and they get offended very fast.
Thus Garuda and Aruna were born.
Aruna became the charioteer of Surya and Garuda is now proceeding towards Swarga looking for amrita.




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