Should You Always Obey Your Elders?




Which are the ashtangas of yoga?

1.Yama - abstinence from worldly distractions 2.Niyama - observance of spiritual rules 3.Asana - the practice of postures for physical fitness 4.Pranayama - attaining mind control through regulation of breathing 5.Pratyahara - withdrawing the senses from external objects 6.Dharana - concentration 7.Dhyana - meditation 8.Samadhi - keeping the mind still.

Niyoga rules

If the husband is impotent or dies childless, the wife can conceive from a brother-in-law. This is called niyoga and is allowed only in the case of childlessness. A woman can do niyoga only for one child or a maximum of two. After the successful union, if the brother-in-law is younger, he treats the woman as his mother. If he is elder, he treats her as his daughter-in-law. Niyoga should be at night. The man has to wear white clothes and apply ghee all over his body for purity. The man and woman have to keep their mind pure and be clear that the act is only for begetting a child. If a prospective bridegroom dies after the engagement, the woman can go for niyoga. (Manu Smriti.9)


How many froms of Lakshmi Devi are there?

सर्वगः सर्ववित् भानुः विष्वक्सेनो जनार्दनः। Today we will see the meaning of the divya nama Janardana and also look into a bhakti sutra of Narada. जनान् अर्दयतीति जनार्दनः He destroys persons. What kind of persons? Enemies, दस्यु-त्राणात् जनार्दनः। He is the protector, protection is his dharma. रक्षाप्रतिपक्षान् जनान् अर्द....

सर्वगः सर्ववित् भानुः विष्वक्सेनो जनार्दनः।
Today we will see the meaning of the divya nama Janardana and also look into a bhakti sutra of Narada.

जनान् अर्दयतीति जनार्दनः
He destroys persons.
What kind of persons?
Enemies, दस्यु-त्राणात् जनार्दनः।
He is the protector, protection is his dharma.
रक्षाप्रतिपक्षान् जनान् अर्दयति
He destroys those persons who are opposed to this, who obstruct his dharma as a protector.

Prahlada disobeyed his father.
Isn't it dharma that a son should obey his father?
A son should not go against the interest of his father?
Isn't this what Lord Rama taught us through his own example.
Bharata disobeyed his mother.
Vibhishana went against his elder brother.
Just think what would have happened if Prahlada, Bharata and Vibhishana had blindly followed the wish and instructions of their elders.
So even there we should apply our intelligence and discretion.
In the ordinary course, you shouldn't go against the wish of your elders.
But for a devotee -
लोके वेदेषु तदनुकूलाचरणं तद्विरिधिषूदासीनता।
This is what Narada says.
Be it worldly matters. be it spiritual matters whatever promotes your love for Bhagawan, do that.
Whatever is against that, stay away.

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