Divine Protection with Narasimha Mantra: Shield Against Enemies



🙏🙏🙏 -Geetha Raman

Extraordinary! -User_se921z

The future of Sanatan Dharma is bright because of your service 🌟 -Rimjhim Bodke

calms my mind instantly. 🌿 -Aman Agarwal

So impressed by Vedadhara’s mission to reveal the depths of Hindu scriptures! 🙌🏽🌺 -Syona Vardhan

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What happens when your source of money is not pure?

Utilizing money that is impure makes you more and more attached to the world. You become more and more addicted to pleasures and enjoyments.

How Srimad Bhagavata is different from other Puranas?

Emphasis in Srimad Bhagavata is on bhakti. Srimad Bhagavata is the essence of all the other Puranas. Srimad Bhagavata was revealed to Vyasa in the state of samadhi. The other Puranas are compilations of pre existing legends.


Whose incarnation was Dronacharya?

ॐ नमो नृसिंहसिंहाय सर्वदुष्टविनाशनाय सर्वजनमोहनाय सर्वराज्यवश्यं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा om namo nri'sim'hasim'haaya sarvadusht'avinaashanaaya sarvajanamohanaaya sarvaraajyavashyam' kuru kuru svaahaa....

ॐ नमो नृसिंहसिंहाय सर्वदुष्टविनाशनाय सर्वजनमोहनाय सर्वराज्यवश्यं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा

om namo nri'sim'hasim'haaya sarvadusht'avinaashanaaya sarvajanamohanaaya sarvaraajyavashyam' kuru kuru svaahaa

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