ब्रह्मोवाच । अथ वृत्ते विवाहे तु भवस्यामिततेजसः ।
प्रहर्षमतुलं गत्वा देवाः शक्रपुरोगमाः ।
तुष्टुवुर्वाग्भिराद्याभिः प्रणेमुस्ते महेश्वरम् ॥
देवा ऊचुः । नमः पर्वतलिङ्गाय पर्वतेशाय वै नमः ।
नमः पवनवेगाय विरूपायाजिताय च ।
नमः क्लेशविनाशाय दात्रे च शुभसम्पदाम् ॥
नमो नीलशिखण्डाय अम्बिकापतये नमः ।
नमः पवनरूपाय शतरूपाय वै नमः ॥
नमो भैरवरूपाय विरूपनयनाय च ।
नमः सहस्रनेत्राय सहस्रचरणाय च ॥
नमो देववयस्याय वेदाङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
विष्टम्भनाय शक्रस्य बाह्वोर्वेदाङ्कुराय च ॥
चराचराधिपतये शमनाय नमो नमः ।
सलिलाशयलिङ्गाय युगान्ताय नमो नमः ॥
नमः कपालमालाय कपालसूत्रधारिणे ।
नमः कपालहस्ताय दण्डिने गदिने नमः ॥
नमस्त्रैलोक्यनाथाय पशुलोकरताय च ।
नमः खट्वाङ्गहस्ताय प्रमथार्तिहराय च ॥
नमो यज्ञशिरोहन्त्रे कृष्णकेशापहारिणे ।
भगनेत्रनिपाताय पूष्णो दन्तहराय च ॥
नमः पिनाकशूलासिखड्गमुद्गरधारिणे ।
नमोऽस्तु कालकालाय तृतीयनयनाय च ॥
अन्तकान्तकृते चैव नमः पर्वतवासिने ।
सुवर्णरेतसे चैव नमः कुण्डलधारिणे ॥
दैत्यानां योगनाशाय योगिनां गुरवे नमः ।
शशाङ्कादित्यनेत्राय ललाटनयनाय च ॥
नमः श्मशानरतये श्मशानवरदाय च ।
नमो दैवतनाथाय त्र्यम्बकाय नमो नमः ॥
गृहस्थसाधवे नित्यं जटिले ब्रह्मचारिणे ।
नमो मुण्डार्धमुण्डाय पशूनां पतये नमः ॥
सलिले तप्यमानाय योगैश्वर्यप्रदाय च ।
नमः शान्ताय दान्ताय प्रलयोत्पत्तिकारिणे ॥
नमोऽनुग्रहकर्त्रे च स्थितिकर्त्रे नमो नमः ।
नमो रुद्राय वसव आदित्यायाश्विने नमः ॥
नमः पित्रेऽथ सांख्याय विश्वेदेवाय वै नमः ।
नमः शर्वाय उग्राय शिवाय वरदाय च ॥
नमो भीमाय सेनान्ये पशूनां पतये नमः ।
शुचये वैरिहानाय सद्योजाताय वै नमः ॥
महादेवाय चित्राय विचित्राय च वै नमः ।
प्रधानायाप्रमेयाय कार्याय कारणाय च ॥
पुरुषाय नमस्तेऽस्तु पुरुषेच्छाकराय च ।
नमः पुरुषसंयोगप्रधानगुणकारिणे ॥
प्रवर्तकाय प्रकृतेः पुरुषस्य च सर्वशः ।
कृताकृतस्य सत्कर्त्रे फलसंयोगदाय च ॥
कालज्ञाय च सर्वेषां नमो नियमकारिणे ।
नमो वैषम्यकर्त्रे च गुणानां वृत्तिदाय च ॥
नमस्ते देवदेवेश नमस्ते भूतभावन ।
शिव सौम्यमुखो द्रष्टुं भव सौम्यो हि नः प्रभो ॥
ब्रह्मोवाच । एवं स भगवान् देवो जगत्पतिरुमापतिः ।
स्तूयमानः सुरैः सर्वैरमरानिदमब्रवीत् ॥
श्रीशङ्कर उवाच ।
द्रष्टुं सुखश्च सौम्यश्च देवानामस्मि भोः सुराः ।
वरं वरयत क्षिप्रं दातास्मि तमसंशयम् ॥
ब्रह्मोवाच ।
ततस्ते प्रणताः सर्वे सुरा ऊचुस्त्रिलोचनम् ॥
देवा ऊचुः ।
तवैव भगवन् हस्ते वर एषोऽवतिष्ठताम् ।
यदा कार्यं तदा नस्त्वं दास्यसे वरमीप्सितम् ॥
ब्रह्मोवाच ।
एवमस्त्विति तान् उक्त्वा विसृज्य च सुरान् हरः ।
लोकांश्च प्रमथैः सार्धं विवेश भवनं स्वकम् ॥
यस्तु हरोत्सवमद्भुतमेनम् ।
गायति दैवतविप्रसमक्षम् ।
सोऽप्रतिरूपगणेशसमानो ।
देहविपर्ययमेत्य सुखी स्यात् ।
देवा ऊचुः ।
नमः पर्वतलिङ्गाय पर्वतेशाय वै नमः ।
नमः पवनवेगाय विरूपायाजिताय च ।
नमः क्लेशविनाशाय दात्रे च शुभसम्पदाम् ॥
Combined Meaning:
The gods said: Salutations to the one who is worshipped in the form of a mountain, the lord of the mountains. Salutations to the one who moves like the wind, the formless and the unconquerable. Salutations to the destroyer of suffering and the bestower of auspicious wealth.
Word by Word Meaning:
देवाः ऊचुः - the gods said, नमः - salutations, पर्वतलिङ्गाय - to the one worshipped in the form of a mountain, पर्वतेशाय - to the lord of the mountains, वै - indeed, नमः - salutations, पवनवेगाय - to the one who moves like the wind, विरूपाय - to the formless one, अजिताय - to the unconquerable, च - and, नमः - salutations, क्लेशविनाशाय - to the destroyer of suffering, दात्रे - to the bestower, च - and, शुभसम्पदाम् - of auspicious wealth.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमो नीलशिखण्डाय अम्बिकापतये नमः ।
नमः पवनरूपाय शतरूपाय वै नमः ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the one with the blue-crested hair, the husband of Ambika. Salutations to the one who has the form of the wind and manifests in countless forms.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, नीलशिखण्डाय - to the one with blue-crested hair, अम्बिकापतये - to the husband of Ambika, नमः - salutations, पवनरूपाय - to the one in the form of the wind, शतरूपाय - to the one with countless forms, वै - indeed, नमः - salutations.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमो भैरवरूपाय विरूपनयनाय च ।
नमः सहस्रनेत्राय सहस्रचरणाय च ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the one in the form of Bhairava, with special eyes. Salutations to the one with a thousand eyes and a thousand feet.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, भैरवरूपाय - to the one in the form of Bhairava, विरूपनयनाय - to the one with special eyes, च - and, नमः - salutations, सहस्रनेत्राय - to the one with a thousand eyes, सहस्रचरणाय - to the one with a thousand feet, च - and.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमो देववयस्याय वेदाङ्गाय नमो नमः ।
विष्टम्भनाय शक्रस्य बाह्वोर्वेदाङ्कुराय च ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the companion of the gods, the essence of the Vedas. Salutations to the one who paralyzes the arms of Indra and sprouts the seeds of the Vedas.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, देववयस्याय - to the companion of the gods, वेदाङ्गाय - to the essence of the Vedas, नमो नमः - repeated salutations, विष्टम्भनाय - to the paralyzer, शक्रस्य - of Indra, बाह्वोः - of the arms, वेदाङ्कुराय - to the one who sprouts the seeds of the Vedas, च - and.
Sanskrit Verse:
चराचराधिपतये शमनाय नमो नमः ।
सलिलाशयलिङ्गाय युगान्ताय नमो नमः ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the lord of all movable and immovable beings, the destroyer. Salutations to the one worshipped in the form of water, the end of the ages.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, चराचराधिपतये - to the lord of all movable and immovable beings, शमनाय - to the destroyer, नमो नमः - repeated salutations, सलिलाशयलिङ्गाय - to the one worshipped in the form of water, युगान्ताय - to the end of the ages, नमः - salutations.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमः कपालमालाय कपालसूत्रधारिणे ।
नमः कपालहस्ताय दण्डिने गदिने नमः ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the one adorned with a garland of skulls, the bearer of the skull rosary. Salutations to the one who holds a skull, the wielder of the staff and mace.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, कपालमालाय - to the one adorned with a garland of skulls, कपालसूत्रधारिणे - to the bearer of the skull rosary, नमः - salutations, कपालहस्ताय - to the one who holds a skull, दण्डिने - to the wielder of the staff, गदिने - to the wielder of the mace, नमः - salutations.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमस्त्रैलोक्यनाथाय पशुलोकरताय च ।
नमः खट्वाङ्गहस्ताय प्रमथार्तिहराय च ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the lord of the three worlds, the one who delights in the company of animals. Salutations to the one who holds a club, the reliever of the distress of the spirits.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, त्रैलोक्यनाथाय - to the lord of the three worlds, पशुलोकरताय - to the one who delights in the company of animals, च - and, नमः - salutations, खट्वाङ्गहस्ताय - to the one who holds a club, प्रमथार्तिहराय - to the reliever of the distress of the spirits, च - and.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमो यज्ञशिरोहन्त्रे कृष्णकेशापहारिणे ।
भगनेत्रनिपाताय पूष्णो दन्तहराय च ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the one who destroyed the head of the sacrifice, who took the dark hair. Salutations to the one who cast down Bhaga's eyes and knocked out Pushan's teeth.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, यज्ञशिरोहन्त्रे - to the destroyer of the head of the sacrifice, कृष्णकेशापहारिणे - to the one who took the dark hair, भगनेत्रनिपाताय - to the one who cast down Bhaga's eyes, पूष्णः - of Pushan, दन्तहराय - to the one who knocked out the teeth, च - and.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमः पिनाकशूलासिखड्गमुद्गरधारिणे ।
नमोऽस्तु कालकालाय तृतीयनयनाय च ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the bearer of the bow, trident, sword, and mace. Salutations to the destroyer of time, the one with the third eye.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, पिनाकशूलासिखड्गमुद्गरधारिणे - to the bearer of the bow, trident, sword, and mace, नमः - salutations, अस्तु - let it be, कालकालाय - to the destroyer of time, तृतीयनयनाय - to the one with the third eye, च - and.
Sanskrit Verse:
अन्तकान्तकृते चैव नमः पर्वतवासिने ।
सुवर्णरेतसे चैव नमः कुण्डलधारिणे ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the ender of death, the dweller of mountains. Salutations to the one with golden seed, the wearer of earrings.
Word by Word Meaning:
अन्तकान्तकृते - to the ender of death, चैव - and indeed, नमः - salutations, पर्वतवासिने - to the dweller of mountains, सुवर्णरेतसे - to the one with golden seed, चैव - and indeed, नमः - salutations, कुण्डलधारिणे - to the wearer of earrings.
Sanskrit Verse:
दैत्यानां योगनाशाय योगिनां गुरवे नमः ।
शशाङ्कादित्यनेत्राय ललाटनयनाय च ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the destroyer of the demons' powers, the guru of yogis. Salutations to the one with the moon and sun as eyes, with a third eye on the forehead.
Word by Word Meaning:
दैत्यानां - of the demons, योगनाशाय - to the destroyer of powers, योगिनां - of the yogis, गुरवे - to the guru, नमः - salutations, शशाङ्कादित्यनेत्राय - to the one with the moon and sun as eyes, ललाटनयनाय - to the one with a third eye on the forehead, च - and.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमः श्मशानरतये श्मशानवरदाय च ।
नमो दैवतनाथाय त्र्यम्बकाय नमो नमः ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the one who dwells in the cremation grounds, the giver of boons in the cremation grounds. Salutations to the lord of deities, the three-eyed one.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, श्मशानरतये - to the one who dwells in the cremation grounds, श्मशानवरदाय - to the giver of boons in the cremation grounds, च - and, नमः - salutations, दैवतनाथाय - to the lord of deities, त्र्यम्बकाय - to the three-eyed one, नमो नमः - repeated salutations.
Sanskrit Verse:
गृहस्थसाधवे नित्यं जटिले ब्रह्मचारिणे ।
नमो मुण्डार्धमुण्डाय पशूनां पतये नमः ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the household saint, ever ascetic with matted hair, and the celibate one. Salutations to the one with half-shaved head, the lord of animals.
Word by Word Meaning:
गृहस्थसाधवे - to the household saint, नित्यं - ever, जटिले - ascetic with matted hair, ब्रह्मचारिणे - to the celibate one, नमः - salutations, मुण्डार्धमुण्डाय - to the one with half-shaved head, पशूनां पतये - to the lord of animals, नमः - salutations.
Sanskrit Verse:
सलिले तप्यमानाय योगैश्वर्यप्रदाय च ।
नमः शान्ताय दान्ताय प्रलयोत्पत्तिकारिणे ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the one who meditates in water, the giver of yogic powers. Salutations to the peaceful, the self-controlled, the cause of creation and destruction.
Word by Word Meaning:
सलिले तप्यमानाय - to the one who meditates in water, योगैश्वर्यप्रदाय - to the giver of yogic powers, च - and, नमः - salutations, शान्ताय - to the peaceful one, दान्ताय - to the self-controlled one, प्रलयोत्पत्तिकारिणे - to the cause of creation and destruction.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमोऽनुग्रहकर्त्रे च स्थितिकर्त्रे नमो नमः ।
नमो रुद्राय वसव आदित्यायाश्विने नमः ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the giver of grace and the sustainer. Repeated salutations to Rudra, the Vasus, the Adityas, and the Ashvins.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, अनुग्रहकर्त्रे - to the giver of grace, च - and, स्थितिकर्त्रे - to the sustainer, नमो नमः - repeated salutations, रुद्राय - to Rudra, वसवः - to the Vasus, आदित्याय - to the Adityas, अश्विने - to the Ashvins, नमः - salutations.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमः पित्रेऽथ सांख्याय विश्वेदेवाय वै नमः ।
नमः शर्वाय उग्राय शिवाय वरदाय च ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the father, the teacher of Sankhya philosophy, and the universal deity. Salutations to Sharva, the fierce, the auspicious, and the bestower of boons.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, पित्रे - to the father, अथ - then, सांख्याय - to the teacher of Sankhya philosophy, विश्वेदेवाय - to the universal deity, वै - indeed, नमः - salutations, शर्वाय - to Sharva, उग्राय - to the fierce one, शिवाय - to the auspicious one, वरदाय - to the bestower of boons, च - and.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमो भीमाय सेनान्ये पशूनां पतये नमः ।
शुचये वैरिहानाय सद्योजाताय वै नमः ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the terrible, the general of the army, the lord of animals. Salutations to the pure, the destroyer of enemies, and the one born instantly.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, भीमाय - to the terrible one, सेनान्ये - to the general of the army, पशूनां पतये - to the lord of animals, नमः - salutations, शुचये - to the pure one, वैरिहानाय - to the destroyer of enemies, सद्योजाताय - to the one born instantly, वै - indeed, नमः - salutations.
Sanskrit Verse:
महादेवाय चित्राय विचित्राय च वै नमः ।
प्रधानायाप्रमेयाय कार्याय कारणाय च ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the great god, the wonderful, and the most extraordinary. Salutations to the primordial, the immeasurable, the effect and the cause.
Word by Word Meaning:
महादेवाय - to the great god, चित्राय - to the wonderful one, विचित्राय - to the most extraordinary one, च - and, वै - indeed, नमः - salutations, प्रधानाय - to the primordial one, अप्रमेयाय - to the immeasurable one, कार्याय - to the effect, कारणाय - to the cause, च - and.
Sanskrit Verse:
पुरुषाय नमस्तेऽस्तु पुरुषेच्छाकराय च ।
नमः पुरुषसंयोगप्रधानगुणकारिणे ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the supreme person, the fulfiller of desires. Salutations to the one who combines with nature and is the chief agent of the primary qualities.
Word by Word Meaning:
पुरुषाय - to the supreme person, नमः - salutations, अस्तु - let it be, पुरुषेच्छाकराय - to the fulfiller of desires, च - and, नमः - salutations, पुरुषसंयोगप्रधानगुणकारिणे - to the one who combines with nature and is the chief agent of the primary qualities.
Sanskrit Verse:
प्रवर्तकाय प्रकृतेः पुरुषस्य च सर्वशः ।
कृताकृतस्य सत्कर्त्रे फलसंयोगदाय च ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the activator of nature and the person, in all aspects. Salutations to the one who directs both the created and the uncreated, and bestows the fruits of actions.
Word by Word Meaning:
प्रवर्तकाय - to the activator, प्रकृतेः - of nature, पुरुषस्य - of the person, च - and, सर्वशः - in all aspects, कृताकृतस्य - of the created and the uncreated, सत्कर्त्रे - to the director, फलसंयोगदाय - to the bestower of the fruits of actions, च - and.
Sanskrit Verse:
कालज्ञाय च सर्वेषां नमो नियमकारिणे ।
नमो वैषम्यकर्त्रे च गुणानां वृत्तिदाय च ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the knower of time, the one who sets all rules. Salutations to the one who creates disparities and grants qualities.
Word by Word Meaning:
कालज्ञाय - to the knower of time, च - and, सर्वेषां - of all, नमः - salutations, नियमकारिणे - to the one who sets rules, नमः - salutations, वैषम्यकर्त्रे - to the one who creates disparities, च - and, गुणानां - of qualities, वृत्तिदाय - to the grantor, च - and.
Sanskrit Verse:
नमस्ते देवदेवेश नमस्ते भूतभावन ।
शिव सौम्यमुखो द्रष्टुं भव सौम्यो हि नः प्रभो ॥
Combined Meaning:
Salutations to the lord of gods, the creator of beings. O Shiva, the auspicious one, show us your gentle face, for you are our lord.
Word by Word Meaning:
नमः - salutations, ते - to you, देवदेवेश - to the lord of gods, नमः - salutations, ते - to you, भूतभावन - to the creator of beings, शिव - O Shiva, सौम्यमुखो - gentle-faced, द्रष्टुं - to see, भव - be, सौम्यः - gentle, हि - indeed, नः - to us, प्रभो - O lord.
Sanskrit Verse:
ब्रह्मोवाच ।
एवं स भगवान् देवो जगत्पतिरुमापतिः ।
स्तूयमानः सुरैः सर्वैरमरानिदमब्रवीत् ॥
Combined Meaning:
Brahma said: Thus, the blessed lord, the deity, the lord of the world, and the husband of Uma, being praised by all the gods, spoke to the immortals.
Word by Word Meaning:
ब्रह्मा उवाच - Brahma said, एवं - thus, सः - he, भगवान् - the blessed lord, देवः - the deity, जगत्पतिः - the lord of the world, उमापतिः - the husband of Uma, स्तूयमानः - being praised, सुरैः - by the gods, सर्वैः - all, अमरान् - to the immortals, इदम् - this, अब्रवीत् - spoke.
Sanskrit Verse:
श्रीशङ्कर उवाच ।
द्रष्टुं सुखश्च सौम्यश्च देवानामस्मि भोः सुराः ।
वरं वरयत क्षिप्रं दातास्मि तमसंशयम् ॥
Combined Meaning:
Shri Shankara said: I am happy and gentle to see the gods. O gods, ask for a boon quickly, for I shall grant it without any doubt.
Word by Word Meaning:
श्रीशङ्करः - Shri Shankara, उवाच - said, द्रष्टुं - to see, सुखः - happy, च - and, सौम्यः - gentle, च - and, देवानाम् - of the gods, अस्मि - I am, भोः - O, सुराः - gods, वरं - boon, वरयत - ask for, क्षिप्रं - quickly, दातास्मि - I shall grant, तमसंशयम् - without any doubt.
Sanskrit Verse:
ब्रह्मोवाच ।
ततस्ते प्रणताः सर्वे सुरा ऊचुस्त्रिलोचनम् ॥
Combined Meaning:
Brahma said: Then all the gods, having bowed down, said to the three-eyed one.
Word by Word Meaning:
ब्रह्मा उवाच - Brahma said, ततः - then, ते - they, प्रणताः - having bowed down, सर्वे - all, सुराः - gods, ऊचुः - said, त्रिलोचनम् - to the three-eyed one.
Sanskrit Verse:
देवा ऊचुः ।
तवैव भगवन् हस्ते वर एषोऽवतिष्ठताम् ।
यदा कार्यं तदा नस्त्वं दास्यसे वरमीप्सितम् ॥
Combined Meaning:
The gods said: O Bhagavan, let this boon remain in your hand. When the need arises, then you shall grant us the desired boon.
Word by Word Meaning:
देवाः ऊचुः - the gods said, तव - your, एव - indeed, भगवन् - O Bhagavan, हस्ते - in hand, वरः - boon, एषः - this, अवतिष्ठताम् - let it remain, यदा - when, कार्यं - need, तदा - then, नः - us, त्वं - you, दास्यसे - shall grant, वरम् - boon, ईप्सितम् - desired.
Sanskrit Verse:
ब्रह्मोवाच ।
एवमस्त्विति तान् उक्त्वा विसृज्य च सुरान् हरः ।
लोकांश्च प्रमथैः सार्धं विवेश भवनं स्वकम् ॥
Combined Meaning:
Brahma said: Having said, 'So be it,' and dismissing the gods, Hari (Shiva) entered his abode along with his attendants.
Word by Word Meaning:
ब्रह्मा उवाच - Brahma said, एवम् अस्तु - so be it, इति - thus, तान् - to them, उक्त्वा - having said, विसृज्य - dismissing, च - and, सुरान् - gods, हरः - Hari (Shiva), लोकान् - worlds, च - and, प्रमथैः - with attendants, सार्धं - along with, विवेश - entered, भवनं - abode, स्वकम् - his own.
Sanskrit Verse:
यस्तु हरोत्सवमद्भुतमेनम् ।
गायति दैवतविप्रसमक्षम् ।
सोऽप्रतिरूपगणेशसमानो ।
देहविपर्ययमेत्य सुखी स्यात् ।
Combined Meaning:
He who sings this wonderful festival of Hara (Shiva) in the presence of the deities and the learned ones, will attain an incomparable form like Ganesha and will be happy despite bodily transformations.
Word by Word Meaning:
यः - he who, तु - indeed, हर-उत्सवम् - festival of Hara (Shiva), अद्भुतम् - wonderful, एनम् - this, गायति - sings, दैवत-विप्र-समक्षम् - in the presence of the deities and the learned ones, सः - he, अप्रतिरूप-गणेश-समानः - will attain an incomparable form like Ganesha, देह-विपर्ययम् - despite bodily transformations, एत्य - having attained, सुखी - happy, स्यात् - will be.
In this hymn, Lord Shiva is glorified in various forms and attributes. He is described as the infinitely radiant, the formless, the destroyer of suffering, and the bestower of auspicious wealth. Shiva is depicted with attributes such as blue-crested hair, thousand eyes, and a thousand feet. He is the essence of the Vedas, the lord of all beings, the destroyer of time, and the one who grants boons and divine powers. Shiva is also seen as the one who dwells in cremation grounds, adorned with skulls, and the destroyer of enemies. His forms are diverse, from Bhairava to the lord of yogis, and he is the ultimate cause of creation, sustenance, and destruction.
Chanting this stotra bestows numerous benefits upon the devotee. It invokes the grace and blessings of Lord Shiva, leading to the destruction of obstacles and the attainment of auspiciousness. Devotees can gain inner peace, self-control, and yogic powers. The hymn also ensures protection from enemies, physical well-being, and overall prosperity. By reciting this stotra, one can attain a form like Ganesha and experience happiness despite any bodily transformations. This stotra is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and fulfillment of desires.
Chanting this stotra continuously for 41 days can transform your life.
brahmovaacha . atha vri'tte vivaahe tu bhavasyaamitatejasah' .
praharshamatulam' gatvaa devaah' shakrapurogamaah' .
tusht'uvurvaagbhiraadyaabhih' pranemuste maheshvaram ..
devaa oochuh' . namah' parvatalingaaya parvateshaaya vai namah' .
namah' pavanavegaaya viroopaayaajitaaya cha .
namah' kleshavinaashaaya daatre cha shubhasampadaam ..
namo neelashikhand'aaya ambikaapataye namah' .
namah' pavanaroopaaya shataroopaaya vai namah' ..
namo bhairavaroopaaya viroopanayanaaya cha .
namah' sahasranetraaya sahasracharanaaya cha ..
namo devavayasyaaya vedaangaaya namo namah' .
visht'ambhanaaya shakrasya baahvorvedaankuraaya cha ..
charaacharaadhipataye shamanaaya namo namah' .
salilaashayalingaaya yugaantaaya namo namah' ..
namah' kapaalamaalaaya kapaalasootradhaarine .
namah' kapaalahastaaya dand'ine gadine namah' ..
namastrailokyanaathaaya pashulokarataaya cha .
namah' khat'vaangahastaaya pramathaartiharaaya cha ..
namo yajnyashirohantre kri'shnakeshaapahaarine .
bhaganetranipaataaya pooshno dantaharaaya cha ..
namah' pinaakashoolaasikhad'gamudgaradhaarine .
namo'stu kaalakaalaaya tri'teeyanayanaaya cha ..
antakaantakri'te chaiva namah' parvatavaasine .
suvarnaretase chaiva namah' kund'aladhaarine ..
daityaanaam' yoganaashaaya yoginaam' gurave namah' .
shashaankaadityanetraaya lalaat'anayanaaya cha ..
namah' shmashaanarataye shmashaanavaradaaya cha .
namo daivatanaathaaya tryambakaaya namo namah' ..
gri'hasthasaadhave nityam' jat'ile brahmachaarine .
namo mund'aardhamund'aaya pashoonaam' pataye namah' ..
salile tapyamaanaaya yogaishvaryapradaaya cha .
namah' shaantaaya daantaaya pralayotpattikaarine ..
namo'nugrahakartre cha sthitikartre namo namah' .
namo rudraaya vasava aadityaayaashvine namah' ..
namah' pitre'tha saankhyaaya vishvedevaaya vai namah' .
namah' sharvaaya ugraaya shivaaya varadaaya cha ..
namo bheemaaya senaanye pashoonaam' pataye namah' .
shuchaye vairihaanaaya sadyojaataaya vai namah' ..
mahaadevaaya chitraaya vichitraaya cha vai namah' .
pradhaanaayaaprameyaaya kaaryaaya kaaranaaya cha ..
purushaaya namaste'stu purushechchhaakaraaya cha .
namah' purushasam'yogapradhaanagunakaarine ..
pravartakaaya prakri'teh' purushasya cha sarvashah' .
kri'taakri'tasya satkartre phalasam'yogadaaya cha ..
kaalajnyaaya cha sarveshaam' namo niyamakaarine .
namo vaishamyakartre cha gunaanaam' vri'ttidaaya cha ..
namaste devadevesha namaste bhootabhaavana .
shiva saumyamukho drasht'um' bhava saumyo hi nah' prabho ..
brahmovaacha . evam' sa bhagavaan devo jagatpatirumaapatih' .
stooyamaanah' suraih' sarvairamaraanidamabraveet ..
shreeshankara uvaacha .
drasht'um' sukhashcha saumyashcha devaanaamasmi bhoh' suraah' .
varam' varayata kshipram' daataasmi tamasam'shayam ..
brahmovaacha .
tataste pranataah' sarve suraa oochustrilochanam ..
devaa oochuh' .
tavaiva bhagavan haste vara esho'vatisht'hataam .
yadaa kaaryam' tadaa nastvam' daasyase varameepsitam ..
brahmovaacha .
evamastviti taan uktvaa visri'jya cha suraan harah' .
lokaam'shcha pramathaih' saardham' vivesha bhavanam' svakam ..
yastu harotsavamadbhutamenam .
gaayati daivataviprasamaksham .
so'pratiroopaganeshasamaano .
dehaviparyayametya sukhee syaat .
Chant this Shiva Stotra for 41 days and witness magical transformations in your life. This powerful and sacred hymn dedicated to Lord Shiva is known to bestow immense benefits, including inner peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth. As you chant with devotion and consistency, you'll experience a profound connection with the divine, leading to the removal of obstacles, enhanced mental clarity, and a sense of overall well-being. The vibrations of the stotra harmonize your energy, creating a protective shield around you and attracting positive changes. Embrace this spiritual practice and let Lord Shiva's blessings transform your life.