Sharanagati Yoga

Sharanagati Yoga

The principles of 'Daivadheenam Jagat Krtsnam' (the entire world is under the control of karma) and 'Purvajanmakrutam Karma Taddaivam Iha Kathyate' (results of past-life actions are called destiny) explain the influence of karma and the so called destiny. The world experience is the outcome of accumulated karmas. As long as these accumulated karmas remain, liberation or ultimate bliss cannot be attained. Whether the karmas are of the nature of merit or sin, both lead to bondage.

The Shruti states:
'Punyapape Vidhuya Niranjanah Paramam Samyamupaiti'
(By freeing oneself from both merit and sin does one become pure and attain the highest state.)

Hence, both types of karma—meritorious and sinful—are considered binding and should be renounced. Freedom from the bondage of karma is essential for attaining liberation.

To overcome both types of karmas, various paths of yoga are prescribed, such as:

  1. Jnana Yoga – Realizing the self and the supreme through knowledge.
  2. Karma Yoga – Performing actions selflessly and dedicating them to God.
  3. Jnana-Karma Samuccaya Yoga – Harmonizing knowledge and action.
  4. Hatha Yoga – Disciplining body and mind through rigorous practices.
  5. Raja Yoga – Controlling the mind and attaining self-realization through meditation.

However, these yogas are not easily accessible to everyone. They require discipline, time, and specific qualifications.

Sharanagati Yoga (Complete Surrender)

Sharanagati Yoga is a path that is simple and accessible to all, at all times and in all places. It does not demand special qualifications or rigorous practices. Liberation through divine grace and faith is the cornerstone of this path.

Types of Sharanagati

  1. Arta (आर्ता) Sharanagati
    • This form of surrender arises from intense suffering or worldly distress.
    • The individual seeks refuge in God, realizing that even the body may become an obstacle to serving the Lord.
    • They constantly pray for liberation from such obstacles, expressing complete surrender to the Lord.
  2. Drupta (दृप्ता) Sharanagati
    • This surrender is inspired by free will and deep discernment.
    • The individual renounces worldly attachments and embraces surrender due to detachment from pleasures and pains like heaven, hell, and rebirth.
    • Guided by the Guru's teachings, the person engages in devotion to God and recognizes their relationship with the divine through sentiments such as protector-protected, master-servant, and parent-child.
    • They believe only God can save them and place no reliance on their efforts or practices.

Importance of Sharanagati Yoga

Other yogas, such as Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, or Hatha Yoga, depend on self-effort. In these paths, the aspirant believes their efforts (worship, charity, chanting, penance) will please God. This is compared to the behavior of a monkey's offspring clinging to the mother for support, which requires the offspring's own effort. A single mistake can lead to failure in these paths.

In contrast, Sharanagati Yoga relies entirely on divine grace. A devotee acknowledges his inability to please God through any action and trusts solely in God's qualities like compassion and mercy. This surrender effortlessly brings the devotee closer to God.

Annihilating karmas accumulated over countless births through actions alone is nearly impossible. Even if one had a lifetime for each birth's karmas, it would take countless years. Since both meritorious and sinful karmas bind the soul, completely eradicating them is challenging. Continuous, unbroken efforts are nearly impossible for ordinary people. Therefore, Sharanagati and divine grace are considered the supreme means to liberation.

A devotee renounces all other means and fully relies on the Lord's grace. He prays with humility:
'O Lord! O Compassionate One! I am helpless and possess no means. I am afflicted by the sorrows of the world. You are the refuge for all beings. I surrender myself to you.'

With such unflinching devotion, the devotee's surrender is accepted immediately. The Lord assures them with His promise:
'I am the protector of those who surrender. My grace will free them from the bonds of the world.'

This is why Sharanagati is regarded as the simplest and most effective path to liberation.

In the Valmiki Ramayana, Lord Shri Rama expresses His unwavering vow:
'Sakrideva Prapannaya Tavasmiti Ca Yachate |
Abhayam Sarvabhutebhyo Dadamyetadvratam Mama ||'
(If someone even once surrenders to me and says, 'I am yours,' I grant them safety from all beings. This is my eternal vow.)

This vow reflects Shri Rama's compassion and care for those who surrender. It assures that those who seek refuge in Him will be freed from fear and granted His full protection.

Hence, one should place complete faith in God, seeing Him as the only master, protector, and savior. He alone is worthy of surrender and is the ultimate refuge. No one else can deliver the soul from this ocean of suffering. Sharanagati Yoga is the only simple and universally accessible means for liberation.

One should surrender with the firm belief 'Rakshishyati' (He will protect). This is the true path to ultimate welfare.

Examples of Sharanagati in Scriptures

  1. Draupadi – As long as she relied on her strength or human efforts, God did not intervene. But the moment she called out to God as her sole protector, Shri Krishna immediately saved her.
  2. Gajendra – When the elephant relied on its power, it remained bound. But as soon as it surrendered to God, it was liberated.

The moment a soul surrenders, all suffering ends. They attain eternal bliss, and their heart becomes as pure as a spotless mirror.

Once the heart is pure, the desires of the surrendered soul align with God's will and are quickly fulfilled.

The joy that is difficult to achieve through other yogas comes easily and effortlessly through Sharanagati Yoga. This path is the simplest, quickest, and most universally accessible.



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