ओमित्येकाक्षरं ब्रह्म व्याहरन्मामनुस्मरन्।
यः प्रयाति त्यजन्देहं स याति परमां गतिम्।।8.13।।
omityekaksharam brahma vyaharanmamanusmaran.
yah prayati tyajandeham sa yati paramam gatim..8.13..
One who leaves his body chanting Omkara and thinking about me (Krishna) reaches the greatest destination.
स्थाने हृषीकेश तव प्रकीर्त्या जगत् प्रहृष्यत्यनुरज्यते च।
रक्षांसि भीतानि दिशो द्रवन्ति सर्वे नमस्यन्ति च सिद्धसङ्घाः।।11.36।।
sthane hrishikesha tava prakirtya jagat prahrishyatyanurajyate cha.
rakshamsi bhitani disho dravanti sarve namasyanti cha siddhasanghah..11.36..
When Krishna's glory is sung lovingly, the world becomes happy and the demons run away in fear. All Siddhas bow before him.
सर्वतः पाणिपादं तत्सर्वतोऽक्षिशिरोमुखम्।
सर्वतः श्रुतिमल्लोके सर्वमावृत्य तिष्ठति।।13.14।।
sarvatah panipadam tatsarvatokshishiromukham.
sarvatah shrutimalloke sarvamavritya tishthati..13.14..
He (Krishna) who has got hands, legs, mouths, eyes, and ears all around, penetrates the whole world.
कविं पुराणमनुशासितारमणोरणीयांसमनुस्मरेद्यः।
सर्वस्य धातारमचिन्त्यरूपमादित्यवर्णं तमसः परस्तात्।।8.9।।
kavim puranamanushasitaramanoraniyamsamanusmaredyah.
sarvasya dhataramachintyarupamadityavarnam tamasah parastat..8.9..
I meditate upon Sri Krishna Paramatma who is - omniscient, beginningless, controller of all, subtler than the subtle, supports and nourishes everything, of unimaginable form, as brilliant as the Sun, and who is beyond all ignorance.
ऊर्ध्वमूलमधःशाखमश्वत्थं प्राहुरव्ययम्।
छन्दांसि यस्य पर्णानि यस्तं वेद स वेदवित्।।15.1।।
urdhvamulamadhahshakhamashvattham prahuravyayam.
chhandamsi yasya parnani yastam veda sa vedavit..15.1..
The inverted Sacred Fig tree (Ashwattha) whose roots are Paramatma and branches are this manifested world represents the relationship between Paramatma and the world. The leaves of this tree are the Veda mantras. One who has realized this has realized the truth.
सर्वस्य चाहं हृदि सन्निविष्टो मत्तः स्मृतिर्ज्ञानमपोहनं च।
वेदैश्च सर्वैरहमेव वेद्यो वेदान्तकृद्वेदविदेव चाहम्।।15.15।।
sarvasya chaham hridi sannivishto mattah smritirjnyanamapohanam cha.
vedaishcha sarvairahameva vedyo vedantakridvedavideva chaham..15.15..
I (Krishna) alone stay in the hearts of everyone and control them from inside. I am knowledge, memory, and contemplation. Only I am understood through the Vedas. I am the knower of the Vedas and propounder of Vedanta.
मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु।
मामेवैष्यसि सत्यं ते प्रतिजाने प्रियोऽसि मे।।18.65।।
manmana bhava madbhakto madyaji mam namaskuru.
mamevaishyasi satyam te pratijane priyosi me..18.65..
You are dear to me (Krishna) if your mind is focused on me, if you are my devotee, if you worship me, and if you prostrate before me. You will eventually attain me.
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