• 1. Who is the author of Panchatantra ?
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  • 2. Who is the mother of Sahadeva ?
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  • 3. Who is Kamadeva's wife?
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  • 4. Thondaradipodi Azhwar was a devotee at which temple?
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  • 5. Who killed Ekalavya ?
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  • 6. Why did Gandhiji choose the path of ahimsa ?
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  • 7. As per shastras, how many types of marriages are there ?
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  • 8. Which month is auspicious for Godana?
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  • 9. Natural kumkum applied on the forehead and used in puja for archana is made from ?
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  • 10. How many sections called Charitras is Durga Saptashati divided into ?
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