• 1. Shodadhopachara puja can be compared to .......
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  • 2. Who advised the Trimurthys and other devas to worship Lord Ganesha when they were defeated by Matsarasura ?
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  • 3. Who is Lakshmi Devi to Kamadeva?
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  • 4. Who is the author of Arthashastra ?
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  • 5. Who was the king who served Nandini to beget a child ?
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  • 6. Where is the famous Batuk Bhairav temple?
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  • 7. What is the ultimate goal of Sanatana Dharma?
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  • 8. Who possessed weapons of all the Trimurthys ?
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  • 9. Is Ramayana there in the Vedas?
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  • 10. In whose womb did Lord Mahavishnu take avatara as Kapila Muni ?
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