• 1. Angarki Chaturthi is associated with which planet?
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  • 2. Which is the vehicle of Lord Karhtikeya ?
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  • 3. Which is the branch of astrology in which questions are answered based on the planetary positions at the time of asking the question ?
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  • 4. Which yajna did Dasharatha perform to beget children ?
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  • 5. Which branch of Vedic philosophy says that matter is made up of atoms ?
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  • 6. Which of the following Pujas is performed to beget a suitable bride or groom ?
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  • 7. Which is the plannet connected with Varahavatara ?
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  • 8. Which is the place where Mahadeva relieved Chandra from a curse by Prajapati ?
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  • 9. Who among these was tied up and kept by Ravana in Lanka ?
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  • 10. Are Ramayana and Mahabharata Puranas?
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