• 1. Ashwamedhika Parva is part of which book?
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  • 2. Yajna is a form of which devata ?
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  • 3. Other than Hanuman Ji, which other God is also known as Balaji?
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  • 4. What is the Upaveda of Atharva Veda ?
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  • 5. There were three peaks in Trikuta parvata of Lanka. On which peak was Ravana's capital ?
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  • 6. Which among these is not part of Ashtanga Yoga ?
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  • 7. What is the difference between Krishna Yajurveda and Shukla Yajurveda ?
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  • 8. Upanishads deal with ..... ?
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  • 9. In which Sage's ‌ashrama were Sri Rama's sons born ?
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  • 10. Whose bhajans are Abhang ?
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