• 1. Who witnessed the battle of Kurukshetra completely ?
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  • 2. What is the name of the mountain which Lord Krishna lifted with his little finger ?
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  • 3. Which son of Dhritarashtra survived the battle of Kurukshetra ?
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  • 4. Which is the mountain whose growth Agasthya stopped?
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  • 5. Which son of Dhritarashtra left Kaurava camp and joined Pandavas ?
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  • 6. What is the name of the hunter who shot an arrow on Lord Krishna resulting in Bhagawan leaving his body ?
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  • 7. In Ardhanariswra, which half of the body is Parvathy?
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  • 8. Vedas are written by ........... ?
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  • 9. Which river did Kaliya live in?
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  • 10. Which is the abode of Lord Shiva ?
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