• 1. Where did Lord Shiva appear in the form of a beginningless and endless Agni Stambha on earth ?
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  • 2. How did Jambavati become Lord Krishna' wife ?
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  • 3. Agastya Maharshi was born from a pot, hence he is called Kumbhasambhava. Someone else was also born from the same kumbha. What is his name ?
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  • 4. Who is the Lord of Ekadashi tithi as per Muhurta Shastra ?
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  • 5. Who wrote Shree Krishna Karnamritam?
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  • 6. Which Veda is in prose ?
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  • 7. Which temple is connected to Eeshana, one among the Ashtamurthys of Lord Shiva ?
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  • 8. Who was the father of Parashurama ?
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  • 9. यम किस दिशा का स्वामी हैं ?
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  • 10. What are Maheswara Sutras ?
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