• 1. Where did the wedding of Kausalya and Dasharatha take place ?
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  • 2. Which mountain was used for churning the ocean ?
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  • 3. How many Rishis are considered to be the propounders of Astrology ?
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  • 4. Which Purana is Satyanarayana Vrata Katha part of?
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  • 5. Where is Valmiki ashrama ?
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  • 6. Is use of Ketaki flowers in Shiva Puja completely forbidden ?
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  • 7. Which among these places is not famous for Akshaya Vata - Immortal banyan tree?
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  • 8. Who was the king who abducted Panchali ?
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  • 9. Who teaches that the real nature of self is awareness ?
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  • 10. Which of the following Vedangas deals with origin of words ?
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