• 1. When is Kaliyuga going to end?
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  • 2. Who among these is fond of Pilgrimages ?
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  • 3. Jarasandha was born in two halves. Who joined them ?
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  • 4. Why did Adi Parashakti incarnate as Devi Kanyakumari ?
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  • 5. In which state are the famous Ashtavinayak temples?
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  • 6. How many chapters are there in Bhagavad Gita ?
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  • 7. Which is the Purana that focuses of life after death?
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  • 8. Which philosophy did Abhinava Guptacharya who lived in Kashmir in the 10th century belong to ?
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  • 9. Which is the birth place of Madodari ?
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  • 10. Which is the Shiva Temple among Char Dham ?
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