• 1. Who is Shani Deva's first wife ?
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  • 2. What was the name of the yaga performed by King Dasharatha to beget children?
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  • 3. Why is achamana done three times ?
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  • 4. Which is the Vedic Suktam chanted for cordial relations ?
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  • 5. Devi Kanyakumari is a virgin. Her groom, Lord shiva is in a nearby temple. Which is this ?
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  • 6. Who was the Guru of King Dasharatha ?
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  • 7. What does the ritual called Madhuparka in vivaha samskara signify ?
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  • 8. As per the principle of non violence of Gandhiji, is a mouse forgiving a cat ready to pounce upon him considered as ahimsa ?
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  • 9. Which is the mantra associated with Brahmastra?
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  • 10. Which is the mountain that goes on reducing in size due to a curse ?
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