• 1. Which of the following books is not connected to Vedanta?
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  • 2. Other than Sanskrit, in which language has Sri Thyagaraja Swami composed ?
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  • 3. Who is the father of Lord Balarama ?
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  • 4. The daughter of an Asura became the queen of swarga. Who is this ?
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  • 5. Who received Bala and Atibala Mantras from Vishwamitra?
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  • 6. Whose son was Angada ?
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  • 7. Who wrote Garuda Purana?
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  • 8. What were the North Eastern states known as in ancient Bharat?
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  • 9. Which is the birth place of Madodari ?
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  • 10. Which apsara disturbed the tapasya of Vishwamitra ?
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