• 1. Who witnessed the battle of Kurukshetra completely ?
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  • 2. What is the name of the naga mata whom Hanumanji met on the way to Lanka ?
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  • 3. According to Yaska, what is the representation of Vritrasura ?
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  • 4. Who incarnated as Dronacharya?
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  • 5. What is the name of Lord Shiva in the famous Madurai Meenakshi temple ?
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  • 6. Which book is Pancharatra Agama based on?
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  • 7. Which Jyotirlinga is connected to the wedding of Lord Ganesha?
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  • 8. Is Anantha Padmanabha Swamy Temple among the 108 Divya Desams?
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  • 9. Manah - Budhi - Ahamkara - Chitta. What are these four collectively called ?
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  • 10. Who were the maternal grand parents of Radha Rani ?
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