• 1. According to Yoga shastra, what is the benefit of practising ahimsa ?
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  • 2. Who is Surya's charioteer ?
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  • 3. Who is the Lord of Shashti tithi ?
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  • 4. In which yuga did Lord Sri Rama incarnate ?
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  • 5. In the term 'Seemantonnayana', what is the meaning of 'Seemantha' ?
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  • 6. What was Bheeshma's name during childhood?
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  • 7. Whom dd Ravana tie up and keep as his slave for protecting Lanka ?
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  • 8. Which among the following is not a gruhya sutra ?
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  • 9. What was the title bestowed upon Chembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavatar by Kalki Krishnamurthy in 1940?
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  • 10. Who was Veda Vyasa to Satyavati?
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