• 1. Which Veda is in the form of poem ?
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  • 2. How many hands Pillayarpatti Vinayagar has got?
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  • 3. Pancharatra is a text belonging to which branch ?
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  • 4. Which Veda is in prose ?
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  • 5. In whose womb did Lord Mahavishnu take avatara as Kapila Muni ?
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  • 6. Who caused the scar on Lord Hanuman's chin ?
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  • 7. Who conveyed the comments of citizens about Seetha Devi to Lord Rama after they returned to Ayodhya ?
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  • 8. What is the name of the naga mata whom Hanumanji met on the way to Lanka ?
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  • 9. What are the texts called Brahmanas ?
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  • 10. Pushkara is holy teertha connected to ...?
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