• 1. Which is the Purana that focuses of life after death?
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  • 2. Who was the father of Arundhati ?
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  • 3. Bali and Sugreeva looked alike. How did Lord Rama distinguish between them when they were fighting ?
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  • 4. Son of Surya became the cause of death of son of Indra. Who were they ?
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  • 5. Who was Jatayu's father ?
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  • 6. Vande Mataram is part of which book ?
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  • 7. How many shlokas are there in Valmiki Ramayana ?
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  • 8. Among these, who doesn't have an involvement in Lord Hanuman's birth ?
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  • 9. Which season is Vasantha ritu?
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  • 10. Yajna is a form of which devata ?
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