• 1. Rakshasa are descendents of which Maharshi?
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  • 2. Jarasandha was born in two halves. Who joined them ?
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  • 3. Who set Lanka on fire with his tail ?
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  • 4. Who caused the scar on Lord Hanuman's chin ?
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  • 5. How many times is the Garbhadhana Samskara performed ?
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  • 6. What is the minimum height of Shiva linga installed at temples ?
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  • 7. Yajna is a form of which devata ?
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  • 8. Which form of Parvathy Devi is the nourisher of the world?
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  • 9. Which is the Vedic Suktam chanted for cordial relations ?
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  • 10. Bhakti Sutras are attributed to which Maharshi ?
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