• 1. Which deity is described as seated on five corpses ( Pancha pretasana aaseena )
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  • 2. Who cursed Vasishta because of which Vasishta's body disappeared and he had to take a rebirth ?
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  • 3. Who was the Raja purohita of Dasharatha ?
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  • 4. Why is Arjuna called Partha?
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  • 5. Who were Asti and Prapti?
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  • 6. Which is the mountain whose growth Agasthya stopped?
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  • 7. What the the Gada ( mace ) of Lord Vishnu called ?
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  • 8. What is the meaning of Ayodhya ?
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  • 9. Who is Shashishekhara ?
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  • 10. What is the connection between Adi Shankaracharya and Bhartruhari ?
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