• 1. What are the Vaishnavite Saints of Tamil Nadu called?
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  • 2. Which avatara of Lord Vishnu is associated with Dhumavati ?
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  • 3. Which is the planet connected with Ramavatara ?
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  • 4. Who are the guards of Surya Deva ?
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  • 5. Naivedyam offered as part of Puja - what does it represent ?
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  • 6. How many Vedas are there ?
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  • 7. Who was the father of Simhika?
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  • 8. Ashwamedhika Parva is part of which book?
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  • 9. Which temple is dedicated to Brahma ?
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  • 10. Which among the following rivers which is presntly not in India finds mention in the Rigveda ?
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