• 1. Whci is the number associated with Devas ?
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  • 2. Which is the mountain upon which Upamaka Venkateswara Swamy temple is situated?
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  • 3. What is the name of the formation in which Abhimanyu was killed ?
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  • 4. In the Vedas, Mitra is often associated with another deity and they are often worshiped together. Who is this ?
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  • 5. Which among the following is not a text of Ayurveda ?
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  • 6. Which holy river flows through Ladakh ?
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  • 7. Which God has got four heads ?
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  • 8. Who is Kamadeva's wife?
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  • 9. Which avatara of Lord Vishnu participated in Devasura battle during churning of the ocean?
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  • 10. Whose avatara was Balarama ?
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